
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Isagri y Soft Rioja aseguran las mejores soluciones informáticas en el sector vitivinícola
Both firms were announced the agreement during the last edition of Enomaq-Tecnovid

Isagri and Soft Rioja will ensure the best solutions in the wine sector

Drafting Interempresas01/06/2011

June 1, 2011

Both the French firm and La Rioja, with more than 20 years in the wine sector, pursue modernization and implementation of those software programs that manage, in a comprehensive manner, from cellars to cooperatives in the industry. The first solution developed has been a module to simplify the issuance of the eDA (which replaces the community 500 models) and the rest of obligations on special taxes which came into force on 1 January 2011.
The French group's development and implementation of computer programs for the agricultural and wine-growing sector, Isagri, announced in the framework of Enomaq 2011 in Zaragoza, his Union with the Rioja company Soft Rioja to thus position itself as the number one at the national and European level in software for the wine sector. The gala company directed by Sébastien Laurel has an experience of more than 27 years in the sector. For its part, the company of Logroño was founded by Jesus Vidaurre, specialist in computer management in the wine sector with more than two decades.

Now, the Group renamed Isagri-Soft Rioja has a wide range of modules for the integrated management of wineries and cooperatives from the control of vineyards to commercialization, passing by all the administrative processes and cost control. Currently, they are managed more than 250 wineries, spread throughout the franco-hispano, using one or more modules to meet your needs.

Isagri-Soft Rioja shared stand at Enomaq 2011
Isagri-Soft Rioja shared stand at Enomaq 2011.

Module for the issuance of eDA and control of vineyards

Isagri and Soft Rioja have developed a module to simplify the issuance of the eDA (which replaces the community 500 models) and the rest of obligations on special taxes which came into force on 1 January 2011. This module is an integrated solution for complete traceability with a single data entry.

Allows inter alia the full tracking of fermentation and analysis, log of all operations and oenological, inventory control, analysis from autoanalizadores and historical import complete. It also gives a flat graph of the winery and graphical monitoring of traceability ascending and descending.

It also facilitates the monitoring of analytical tax accounting, Treasury, expenses and income of each activity and the calculation of VAT, withholding and edition of the official models, among others.

It has a very handy feature that it offers the possibility of working directly with PDA in the vineyards
Other levels where it is applicable this module is in control of the vineyards, managing parts work, traceability, production costs, along with the follow-up maduraciones and observations, control of the labour force and machinery and the cartography of the plots. It has a very handy feature that it offers the possibility of working directly with PDA in the vineyards.

For the management of the harvest, facilitating tasks such as management of the suppliers of inputs with analytical information and issuance of invoices, statements of harvest and control performance of cards of the regulatory board, etc. In addition, it has functions relating to declarations of excise and sales management and sales activity.

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Isagri, S.L.

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