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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Asaja Murcia exige a las administraciones que asuman sus responsabilidades con el sector de los frutos secos

Asaja Murcia requires Governments to assume their responsibilities with the nuts sector


November 9, 2010

The sector of the nuts finds in a situation of uncertainty, since from 2010 the help to the almond decouples and is at stake the future of the national help, by what the agriculturalists could happen to receive 241 euros by hectare to some 160. In consequence, Alfonso Gálvez Caravaca, general secretary of Asaja Murcia, Alfonso Gálvez Caravaca, demands to the new minister of the MARM “a bit of sensitivity with a so important field for the agriculture murciana as it is the one of the nuts”.

In front of a so complicated panorama like which presents for the sector of the nuts, does not be necessary to forget, as it has put of self-evident Gálvez Caravaca, that treats of “a field of vital importance from the socioeconomic and environingingmental point of view”. Like this it defined it in the course of the presses conference that carried out yesterday of conjoint form with the rest of agricultural professional organisations. “The main worry that have to day of today is the budgetary reduction of the Ministry of Environingingment and Half Rural and Marino that, lamentably, in general terms has reduced in a 26, 4% with regard to 2010 and in 30,6% with regard to 2009”, as it has aimed the headline of this agricultural professional organisation. Likewise, Gálvez Caravaca has declared: “What want to is that the current minister of the bouquet devote him time to study the budgets and that value the consequences that can have this decision for the group of producers of almond of Murcia and of Spain, that are slopes to receive this help”. In relation to this question, the headline of Asaja Murcia has ensured that it concerns them a lot of how goes to remain configured the Common Agricultural Politics (PAC) and the systems of helps from 2012, due to the fact that this decoupling can comport the disappearance of the national help of the ministry and the one of the autonomous communities, what would suppose a hard hit for the sector of the nuts.

It is necessary to take into account that the sector of the almendro is very important in the Region of Murcia inside the crops of secano, since, in opinion of Alfonso Gálvez Caravaca, “finds in some zones with some very complicated conditions where the almond plays a crucial paper from the point of view of the environingingment and of the half rural, since it contributes income to these agriculturalists that also employ hand of work, the majority of the familiar cases, and generates a big economic movement, fundamental so that in these villages follow having economic activity”. Good sample of this is the fact that Murcia has a surface of 70.600 hectares and more than 10.000 exploitations of almendro, being a crop with a marked social character and that, besides, develops a very notable paper from the point of view agroambiental, since it avoids the erosion and constitutes a traditional element of the landscape and of the Mediterranean diet.

Finally, Gálvez Caravaca has matizado: “we Think that have to take into account the circumstances of market and the fault of a commercial politics by part of the EU, that carries to compete to our agriculturalists in situations of inequality with pertinent products of third countries, like the problem that have with the almond of California, that is causing from does several campaigns a descent of the very important prices and this carries us to that every year the product have less price”. In definite and according to the spokesman of Asaja Murcia: “The administrations do not have vision of future and in this case besides there is an intention to reduce helps. Therefore, in front of this fault of look of our politicians and of a suitable agricultural politics, the organisations have to go out in defence of a sector that is very important for the sureste Spanish and for the Region of Murcia”.

Alfonso Gálvez Caravaca calls for support for the sector of the nuts by the administration
Alfonso Gálvez Caravaca calls for support for the sector of the nuts by the administration.

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