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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Fercam cierra su 50ª edición con una afluencia de 78.000 personas, el 30,89% profesionales
In the pageant was exhibited equipment amounting to EUR 25 million and settled 5,433 trade contacts

FERCAM closes its 50th Edition with an influx of 78,000 people, the 30,89% professionals

Drafting Interempresas21/07/2010

July 21, 2010

The 50th Edition of the Feria Regional del Campo and samples of Castilla - La Mancha was closed on 18 July by the Mayor of Manzanares, Miguel Ángel Pozas, who recognized that Fercam has not been alien to the situation of global crisis. Even so, the contest closed its doors with figures who translated the "positive feelings" which, in turn, the owner of the consistory was noted. In this sense, some 78,000 people visited the fair, which were 24,100 professionals linked to the sector. 5,433 Trade contacts also carried out. The profile of the audience was translated by 22,54% who approached Fercam intending to purchase, while the remainder visited the fair to see in situ the environment as well as the latest news that were.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday were the days with greater influx of public Fercam facilities
Friday, Saturday and Sunday were the days with greater influx of public Fercam facilities.

FERCAM 2010 closed its doors after five days in which despite the heat and the crisis, many visitors passed through the fairgrounds manzanareño, was exhibited where goods valued at EUR 25 million. Of the 175 participating exhibitors, 80% were agricultural machinery, followed later by the samples in general, automotive and machinery of public works. Closed this call, Interempresas interviewed the Mayor of Manzanares, Miguel Ángel Pozas, who hoped to lack of knowing the final data of the survey involved professionals outside the fair. "The sensations are very positive - advanced the first mayor - although this edition has been resentful over the current crisis situation." "Although not attained levels of turnover of years ago, expectations are not negative as it has been able to show the goods exposed to a large number of public and exhibitors have promoted their companies." The good omens were then confirmed: Fercam celebrated its 50th anniversary with an influx of 78,000 people, the 30,89% professionals. According to sources related to the Organization, 22,54% of visitors came with intention of buying, while the rest went to the fair to see, take a walk and discover the latest exposed. For its part, the exhibitors were satisfied they could submit their products to nearly 80,000 people and a few 5,433 trade contacts.

Also, the Mayor of Manzanares referred to makers of cheese Manchego and wines at the quality examinations this year. Pozas noted the high number of samples submitted to both calls and highlighted the quality of the award-winning, that you tend to be awarded the most prestigious competitions that are held. The Auditorium of the official flag of Fercam hosted the last day, Sunday, July 18, the traditional closing event of the fair, which awards the regional competitions of quality wines and Manchego cheeses held for the purpose were delivered. Representatives of the winning companies received medals in bronze, silver and gold from the Regional fair of the countryside and samples in their respective categories. She is awarded industrial cheese cured and semi-cured, and cured and semi-cured. In wine there were awards for whites, rosé, red young, crianza red wines and red wines reserve.

Miguel Angel pools also said that a fair of the field as the Manzanares, with his career, must continue betting on the quality of two products as rooted to the Manchego cheese and wine land, well understands that quality is that will enable their companies to have profitability.

80% Of the exhibitors of the fair were agricultural machinery
80% Of the exhibitors of the fair were agricultural machinery.
FERCAM chooses the best Manchego cheeses of the year

The Regional fair of the field and samples of Castilla - La Mancha also unveiled the best Manchego cheeses of the year in the opinion of the jury of the twenty-second Regional Contest of quality. Members of the panel's tasting of the regulatory Council of the denomination of origin of the Manchego cheese day 8th gathered and deliberated before a total of 36 samples submitted.

In the category of cheese cured in industrial processing, i.e. made with pasteurized milk, the winner was the 'montescusa' cheese of the cheeses Lominchar, S.L. of Corral de Almaguer (Toledo) company. Semi-cured cheeses of industrial processing the gold was for 'Valdencinas' of cheese Rosillo, S.L., in the town of Quintanar de la Orden.

With regard to cheeses crafted with raw milk, cheese the brand '1605' of the Balcobo agricultural, S.L., company of the town of inheritance (Ciudad Real), won the gold medal in the category of cured. In the category of artisan semi-cured cheeses, the gold was for 'The Manger' of cheese del Campo Rus, in the Cuenca town of Santa María del Campo Rus.

Panel of award-winning products at the 50th Edition of the Regional fair of the field and samples of Castilla - La Mancha (Fercam)...
Panel of award-winning products at the 50th Edition of the Regional fair of the field and samples of Castilla - La Mancha (Fercam).
The wines of La Mancha, Manchuela and Ribera del Júcar are imposed on Fercam

Wines covered by the appellation of origin La Mancha were this year the highest number of awards received in the fortieth Regional Contest of quality convened on the occasion of the Regional fair of the field and samples of Castilla - La Mancha, which was held in Manzanares. The Manchego wines took four of five gold medals, three silver and three bronze. The gold was for a wine from the appellation Ribera del Júcar. The Manchuela received two silvers and two bronzes.

The jury of the Regional Contest of quality wines Fercam, after tasting held on 7 July in the castle of Pilas Bonas de Manzanares with a total of 70 participating samples, made public its decision on the opening day of the fair. In the category of white wines, the gold medal went to 'Presidential Muscat Zagarrón 2009' (D.O.) (La Mancha), of the cooperative our Lady of Manjavacas, in the Cuenca town of Mota del Cuervo. The gold and silver in pink were for wines of La Mancha, Spain. The first prize won 'Spiny Cabernet-Sauvignon 2009', of the Virgin cooperative of the vineyards, in Tomelloso (Ciudad Real).

In young wines won, of the D.O. Ribera del Júcar, 'Teatinos Tempranillo 2009', of the Purísima Concepción cooperative of Casas de Fernando Alonso (Cuenca). The category of aged red wines was winner to ' Villa of the Júcar 2004 cencibel' (D.O.) (La Mancha), of the cooperative San Isidro of Villalgordo del Júcar (Albacete) of. Finally, in the category of reserve wines, where the three medals were for wines of La Mancha, gold accounted 'Tower Rejas-Tempranillo 2003' of Bodegas Lopez Mercier, Manzanares.

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Fercam - Ayuntamiento de Manzanares

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