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Almost 90,000 people visit the fair that moves a turnover of EUR 3 million

FERCAM celebrates its 50th anniversary with a full House of occupation

Drafting Interempresas02/07/2010

July 2, 2010

From 14 to 18 July, the Regional fair of the field and samples of Castilla La Mancha (Fercam) wearing their best clothes on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. A competition pool that combines pointer more in machinery, industrial, agricultural and automotive. In addition to exhibition area, in an area of 100,000 square meters, the program includes a series of parallel events: the traditional regional competitions of quality wines and Manchego cheese, along with the celebration of some technical talks of theme about the sector. During the previous edition, Fercam convened about 89.100 visitors, 198 participants and it moved almost three million euros. Figures give an idea of representing this event for the whole of the region.
FERCAM retains its full of occupation as part of its 50th anniversary
FERCAM retains its full of occupation as part of its 50th anniversary.

"New for this edition we highlight the change of timetable that we have made, at the request of exhibitors." "Thus, the fair opens its doors an hour earlier, to 10 in the morning and ends at 11 in the evening," says Antonio Caba, Councillor of the municipality of Manzanares and managing director of Fercam fairs, before the call 2010 the Regional fair of the field and samples of Manzanares, from 14 to 18 July. A contest that Caba catalog of 'respect' not only in Ciudad Real, but also in entire Castilla-La Mancha, in terms of agricultural machinery and irrigation. Thus, the fair reaches its fiftieth anniversary, lightly touched by the economic situation. "Although the number of exhibitors has something lowered, I must say that the fair, both in the 100,000 meters in the air free as the pavilions are fully occupied." Yes it is true that it took more work because the crisis has been noted. "Some exhibitors who had come in many editions, not have been able to come on this occasion, although we have replaced them by others which are also important", he argues. In addition to the exhibition site in the open air, Fercam has two pavilions of samples and tourism of two thousand square meters, where exhibits agricultural machinery, construction, automotive and samples in general.

Optimistic forecasts for this edition

“Have expectations that this edition was a bit better that the one of the year 2009”, recognises the director manager of Fercam the one who has confirmed that the fair conserves his annual character since this format works them. The previous announcement clausuró with the following balance: 89.100 visitors of which 30.700 were professional, 198 participants and a turnover of 2,89 million euros, obtained of a total of 3.015 operations and 11.340 professional contacts. In that moment, the own councillor of commercial fairs of the City council of Manzanares described the results of “extraordinary”. In concrete, 28% of the assistants visited the living room with the intention to buy, whereas something more than 20% proceeded of out of Castile-La Mancha. Regarding the planned activities, parallel to the exhibition of equipment, summons the 40º Regional Contest of Quality of Wines and the 22º Contest of Quality of Cheeses Manchegos. In the first, can participate all the whites, pink and tintos (young, crianza and reservation) produced, elaborated and bottled in the region. In this edition concede medals of gold, silver and bronze, with his respective diplomas, to the three first qualifiers of each category. The jury's decision makes public the day of inauguration of the contest, on 14 July, whereas the prizes deliver in the act of closure the Sunday 18. In the second, can inscribe the elaboradores inscribed in the Denomination of Origin of the Cheese Manchego. In this case, the decision of the jury also gives to know the first day of Fercam. In this regard, Antonio Caba also values the received of both contests between the participants: “In the one of wines, that has a ‘big ‘ solera' present some 73 samples, and with regard to the of cheeses, at the beginning of July, already has inscribed more cabin that the past year”.

"Although the number of exhibitors has something lowered, I must say that the fair, both in the 100,000 meters in the air free as the pavilions are fully occupied"
Nearly 90,000 people visit this fair generated by a business of nearly three million euros

Nearly 90,000 people visit this fair generated by a business of nearly three million euros.

The future of the CAP to the use of renewable energy in the region, including in technical lectures cycle

In the face of this Edition, the program includes a series of technical talks aimed at professionals in the agricultural sector. The cycle starts with the paper 'The future of the cap beyond 2013', carried out by José Carlos Caballero, head of the technical services of national Asaja. In addition to the common agricultural policy, address other issues of growing interest, such as renewable energy. "' Practical application of renewable energy in Castilla La Mancha to the sectors domestic and industrial: low enthalpy geothermal and photovoltaic", is the title of a conference involving three speakers: Miguel Monsalve Romera, industrial technical engineer and consultant for renewable energy and energy efficiency (Luzeco engineering); Carlos Rincon Calero, industrial technical engineer and technician in prevention of occupational hazards and Pedro Rincón Calero, doctor of Geological Sciences (GeaPraxis Iberian and Entecsa Manzanares). Most current topics, not be ruled out everything what linked to the wine sector. Thus, this cycle ends with the Conference carried out by several speakers including Luis Jiménez, President of the winemakers of Castilla-La Mancha, Alejandro García Gascó, Chairman of the Advisory Committee of the European Union wine, 'Alternatives to the future of the wine sector', among others. The closing ceremony has the intervention of José Luis Martínez Guijarro, Minister of agriculture and environment of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha.

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Fercam - Ayuntamiento de Manzanares

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