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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Optimismo en la apertura de Fercam 2009

Optimism at the opening of Fercam 2009


July 16, 2009

Minister of agriculture and Rural development of Castilla - La Mancha, Spain, José Luis Martínez Guijarro, cut yesterday Wednesday to eleven in the morning the inaugural Ribbon of the 49th Regional fair of the field and samples of Castilla - La Mancha, which is held until the next Sunday in Manzanares (Ciudad Real).

The Adviser was revealed after inaugurating Fercam 2009, recognizing that the regional Government of this fair from the field by its bid for leadership in the primary sector. In his view, "Fercam is everything a reference in Castilla - La Mancha and shows the desire of agriculture by go ahead". In the opinion of the person responsible for agriculture in the regional government, 200 exhibitors that fill the fairgrounds and exposed more than a thousand references demonstrate the dynamism of the agricultural sector, which accounts for 8% of regional GDP, which it should be added that the industry linked to agriculture and cattle raising is the main industry of the community. This, according to Martinez, continues to grow and endure the economic situation, "which demonstrates the strength of the sector in Castilla - La Mancha".

Opening ceremony of Fercam 2009 on the fairgrounds of Manzanares (Ciudad Real)
Opening ceremony of Fercam 2009 on the fairgrounds of Manzanares (Ciudad Real).
Also the Mayor of Manzanares, Miguel Ángel Pozas, was optimistic about the results have Fercam on this issue despite the general economic situation. To have these good expectations said based on data that presents the fair field and in the twenty-six years in Office at the head of the same. Pools claimed that difficult times have always been overcome and that desired in this edition. He acknowledged that last year there were fewer business on-site during the event but that, however, were surpassed six million euros in sales.

FERCAM is a place of business and commercial transactions, but the Mayor of Manzanares also highlights its role as a meeting point and showcase that showcase and demonstrate good machinery, cars, watering and all kinds of samples.

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