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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en El chequeo de la PAC y el reto de la comercialización, en el programa de conferencias de Fercam 2009

Parallel activities of the 49th Regional fair of the field and samples of Manzanares

The health check of the CAP and the challenge of marketing, Fercam 2009 Conference programme

Drafting Interempresas25/06/2009
The 49th Regional fair of the field and samples of Castilla - La Mancha will become from 15 to 19 July in the greatest showcase of agricultural machinery of this community and forum for discussion of the issues that most concern agriculture. So, the Technical Conference of Fercam programme includes among its contents the impact of the 'health check' of the CAP and the challenge of the marketing of agricultural products.

FERCAM begins on Wednesday, July 15 at 11 in the morning. On their first day they will be announced the rulings of the regional competitions of quality wines and Manchego cheese.

Technical lectures cycle begins on 16 Thursday. At 12,30 a.m. the official flag of the fairground will discuss 'Savings, energy efficiency and nitrogen fertilization'. The rapporteur will be Elvira López Giménez, technical services energy of the Regional Agency of the energy of Castile - La Mancha (Agecam). At the same time, the stand of the signature Ábrego, will be the provincial presentation of the brand 'subaru'.

Several experts will analyse the impact of the so-called 'health check' of the Community agricultural policy (Cap) in farmers, cattlemen and hired for the dairy sector

The COAG-initiative Rural agrarian organization organizes the Conference on the 16th at 20.30 hours in which several experts will analyse the impact of the so-called 'health check' of the Community agricultural policy (Cap) in farmers, cattlemen and hired for the dairy sector.

On Friday 17 will be the turn of the agrarian organization Asaja, to held at 12,30 p.m. the Conference entitled 'The great challenge of marketing'. Then it will present twenty-fourth prize in agricultural journalism.

This weekend will take place contests of skill with tractor and the closing event official with awards of all the events held in the current edition

At 20.30 hours, the cycle of conferences focuses on organic farming. The general director of veterinarians without borders, Gustavo Duch Gillot, will speak of the need for a change of model in food and agriculture. The event is organized by the Association of organic producers 'to your health'.

FERCAM will continue until Sunday, July 19. This weekend will be accommodate contests of skill with tractor and the closing event official with awards of all the events held in the present Edition.

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Fercam - Ayuntamiento de Manzanares

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