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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Casimiro Martínez, Administrador Gerente de Casimiro Máquinas, S.L.
"We are on the verge of eroding our territory with the traditional tillage"

Interview to Casimiro Martinez, Manager Manager of Casimiro machines, S.L.

Meritxell Jaén04/09/2008

September 4, 2008

Casimiro Martinez, manages with his brother José Antonio, the enterprise of agricultural machinery Casimiro machines, S.L., located in Lleida of Sucs. It is a family company which has exceeded the passage of time, generation after generation, thanks to their work hard on each of the areas of the firm. Casimiro Martinez speaks to Interempresas on the situation of the sector and the latest news of your company.

Casimiro machines, S.L., has been more than three generations dedicated to agricultural machinery. Tell us about the work in the company.

Our main commitment is the marketing of livestock and agricultural machinery and give to know or to introduce new technologies in our territory as, for example, silage of pastone, ensile grains in plastic tunnels, or the feed with a new vertical system Roc rakedthat help to improve the quality of the product, and at the same time reduces energy costs considerably. Casimiro machines remains sensitive to the environment, so help you, through the introduction of the manufacturer Agrometal of seeders only of direct sowing, conservation agriculture, by which we are firmly committed.

In addition, the machines we have in our catalogue, all have some detail that benefits our natural environment.

What balance is doing all these years in the service of its represented suppliers?

A totally positive and rewarding balance by our suppliers around the world. So far, all of our represented none of them was known in our peninsula or had experienced their machines in our field. One of them, like Luclar, manufacturer of mixers, already 15 years we have been the representation. This demonstrates a good penetration in Spain and Portugal, from zero machines to hundreds of them in our livestock farms; or Schuitemaker that unknown completely, in 10 years happened to have the machines better valued by the customers of fodder. And so with all our suppliers, all of them have positioned themselves very well in Spain, some of them awarded first prizes in technological innovation in trade fairs.
Casimiro Martinez Terré
Casimiro Martinez Terré.

Forage; manure or compost; ecological sowing, save grains, seeds or make silos; pulverization with ecological knowledge or farming are some of the areas of your company. Where are they? What audience are they directed?

The vast majority of our machines are aimed at a type of client that mainly very carefully noted its construction. If you like, compared to others. If you buy to Casimiro machines is a customer, not marquista. Any seller will convince otherwise, gives equal they are buying the neighbour. He is very careful with the machinery, wants to him last time and finally want to make these machines much technology. Thus, it would define our client as a 'smart client'.

The spreaders Franzosi, manufactured in Italy, are the first Europeans started to handle the biocompostaje. Spain, farmers used 12 years ago manures of different types, now with these machines implemented in the biocompostaje without any problem, because they are already provided for in this technology since the first unit entered Spain to the last. Ecological planting is very important. Simply keep the soil covered, is already provided several environmental benefits, the soil, for both water and air. In addition to these improvements, with these techniques, significant reductions in the consumption of diesel oil, are obtained by removing the work, at the same time that are maintained and even improved production, thereby increasing the benefits of agricultural holdings, by reducing significantly costs of production and operational time.

I personally think that we are on the verge of eroding our territory with the traditional tillage. We reached an agreement with Argentina Agrometal, country with extensive experience in the practice. We do a sufficiently effective team for putting in place of these machines in our lands; computers manufactured with a high degree of experimentation in different fields from all over the world.

So far, the grain were stored in warehouses. Casimiro machines we believe in the advantages that we have with the packaging, which outweigh stores. The M & S E/0 (zero energy) silage stored grain in bags of 3 meters in diameter by 60 metres long. It can be on any flat surface, in the same field, where it is vacuum packed, extracting the grain after the months in perfect conditions without insects, with the pounds that came clean without lost, either by birds and/or manipulation.

With regard to the spraying, regulations are becoming strict in handling and application of plant protection.

"We firmly believe in conservation agriculture"

One of its divisions is particularly aimed at the extermination of voles, a problem that seriously affects the farmers of Castile and León, Spain today, what steps taken since Casimiro machines, S.L., to help solve this situation?

When it became known the problem of the voles the means of communication, in the company got under way to see what or how we could help solve this tularemia. We check the network of suppliers and contacts that we have the world finding several solutions, but only one of them picked up the qualities of rapid method and non-polluting. It was located in United States and the first unit went to Velascálvaro (Valladolid), then contacted the Mayor, with a concern and logical concern with us. Today, this problem is extinct since the Junta de Castilla y León took letters in the case also with other methods. This instrument called Casimirothor is also effective against any pest animal's burrow. The Casimirothor kills all the animals that are on the inside with an explosion, with a mixture of two gases. The advantage is that it is in effect immediately, ecological, because animals fall within the burrow not generating any foreign waste. It is very suitable for vineyards, cooperatives, municipalities, for the initial control of the plague of rabbits and voles.

At the Agromaq fair (Salamanca, 6 to 11 of September), will present a model especially designed to put an end to the voles. What are the advantages of the machine compared to other systems of extermination of these rodents?

In Agromaq we had several machines different options to present, including the direct seeding seeders. Currently is vital for this type of practice, taking into account also the costs savings of fuel, etc.; and of course, the famous Casimirothor, this time for the control of plague of rabbits. Each operation of the vine should be a Casimirothor.

In February also participated in the international fair of machinery agricultural-Fima what news led to the most important Hall of the sector?

Fima presented a spreader with manufacturer Vortex system Jet with bar 22 metres, with suspension and steering.
Some of the models of the Lleida company machinery
Some of the models of the Lleida company machinery.

You how your participation at this event?

Stakes in all the trade fairs and events related to the sector are positive. I think it would be important that they accompany us firms related to the environment, farmers and ranchers. They have much to say and do in these environmental issues, saving water, solar panels, biocompostaje, etc. You can help them to capitalize on their farms. To my I like to call 'holdings to clean our environment'. The fairs would bring more interest thereby improving these events aimed more towards the farmers and ranchers.
"To the fairs should accompany us firms related to the environment, farmers and ranchers"

Do is view the situation of the agricultural and livestock sector of Spain now?

A few years ago until today, we continue in a situation of change, which is not only a Spanish change, if that is not clearly global. In him all over the world are involved and I think that each palpará a situation that will be different to what we're used so far. Oil affects us; China, India, United States affect us, and this global management points to many parameters. One that we have to close to the rural world is the environmental issue. Here yes we have to get familiar with the play in to pollute less, with agriculture of conservation or tillage, extremando precautions in the plant protection with spraying with technology equipment tip, in the feeding of animals, including in the diet all by-products as possible within our environment, the use of organic fertilizers such as the biocompostaje, etc.

It is a very good perspective in these sectors, with many opportunities, and a change in public opinion positive, admirable of farmers and ranchers. We should be proud of belonging to a sector that will to feed the world and at the same time taking care with our environmental efforts.

What role do they should have the administrations in this situation?

Administrations are we, therefore, we must demand that they manage well and so they get it right we have all that provide ideas or participating along with them, for how it can do better what it is doing. Not we be asking only for money with his mouth open or resolved, any ballot must involve us, through associations etc. with our programme of action and the consensus of all stakeholders, will do good things.

My experience in a partnership as it is Ansemat, I can see that many advantages are achieved. Partners make working groups where there are concerns, since the smaller manufacturer, to the largest. When a proposal out of this Union we inform the Ministry or any entity, so comes to run issues that otherwise would be very difficult for any call Ministry, entity X, etc. Guess needs of any industry, I must emphasize that now it concerns us all. We propose to then run. Some proposals go ahead, others not, but one thing is certain, that unipersonalmente the difficulties are supported worse. In conclusion, the authorities are to help (not given) and all of us to participate.

What will be the next movements of Casimiro machines SL?

A slogan of Casimiro machines SL, said: "Forward with force". In the coming months, will sign an agreement with a German company that will help us to complete our catalogue of machines Premium; We will continue with demonstrations, dedicated to the Agriculture of conservation and tillage; and we will attend various exhibitions and events both Spain and Portugal.
"Governments are here to help (not given) and all of us participate"
Casimiro machines in Sucs (Lleida) facilities
Casimiro machines in Sucs (Lleida) facilities.

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