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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Pimec abre un nuevo plazo para participar en el Mercado Financiapyme

Pimec Opens a new term to participate in the Market Financiapyme


27 May 2014

Pimec, the patronal Catalan of the micro, small and medium enterprise, offers the possibility to his associated to present to future announcements of the Market Financiapyme. The aim of these meetings is that the companies can obtain financials, so much for circulante as for investments, in excellent conditions.

Until today more than 50 companies have presented in the last markets in front of more than 20 financial entities. The aim of these, in addition to facilitating the interlocución, speed up the granting of credit, give to know the company to the high steering of the entities, improve the notoriety of the knowledge by part of these and access to better financial products, so much for circulante as for investment.

The markets Financiapyme allow to the financial entities, on the other hand, offer better conditions to the companies, raise observations of risks —by the little conocimeinto of the company or project— and dinamizar the ‘pool' banking offering better conditions of renewal. Likewise, these meetings allow to resolve problems of communication with the entity in front of requests of pending financials to resolve and replantear the structure of operations and improve them.

All the entities and national financial institutions and international that have participated up to now have valued very positively the experience proposed by the patronal Pimec. Thus they have accepted to be again present in the next announcement.

On the other hand, in addition to offering to the companies that wish it the opportunity to present his needs of financials in front of more than 20 national entities, international, public and private, Pimec will take advantage of the next market to present the operations signed until today.

After seven meetings, of the 50 companies participants the big majority have closed already the financials that needed and the rest finds in phase of negotiation with the entities interested.

Fran Of the Tower, director of Consultoria Estratègica i Finançament of Pimec, has confirmed that the volume obtained rises to more than 30 million euros in financials.

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