
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Filtros: por un buen mantenimiento industrial
The guarantee of a correct operation of the system

Filters: by a good industrial maintenance

Nuria Sainz, responsible of Marketing of Filters Cartés


The characteristics of the hydraulics oils, his behaviour, and how realizar a correct maintenance of the same to avoid negative consequences that translate in increase of costs, suppose a key subject in the industry. Although it is true that exist different types of oils in the different productive activities and industrial, are the hydraulics oil and his diverse variants, the more employees.

Filters conditioners and systems kidney RMF
Filters conditioners and systems kidney RMF.

75% of the failures in hydraulics systems and of lubrication are ocasionados by the pollution of the oil. Thus, an oil in optimum conditions guarantees the correct operation of the system, and the level of cleaning of the hydraulics systems and his control have like consequence a substantial saving of productive costs

Some of the main industries in which the hydraulics systems form part of the productive processes, are the steelworks, wind head offices, injection of plastics, machinery of paper, hydraulics presses, banks of essay, aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector, etc. The main types of oils employed, in function of the concrete needs of each one, can be:

  • Hydraulics oils
  • thermal sensors Oils
  • dielectric Oils
  • Oils of lubrication
  • Skydrol.

During the last times has come earning greater importance an increasing need to realizar controls more strict in the level of pollution of the hydraulics oils, by three main reasons:

  • Save derivative costs of the energetic consumption and of failures
  • Reduce the times of maintenance
  • Help to conserve the environingingment (the management of contaminantes and waste optimises ).
Conditioners of air RMF
Conditioners of air RMF.

Therefore, results absolutely necessary the analysis, control and monitoring of the state of the oil and his level of contaminantes.

The degradation of the oil supposes a grave problem for the systems. Any oil that finds stored or is working tends to degrade over time of form more or less fast, in function of variables such as the type of oil, the environingingment, etc.

When said oil degrades , his composition and his physical properties-chemical see affected, and can appear varnishes or water, that damage the components of the system, such as the pumps, valves, etc. Said degradation can have like origin 3 causes: oxidation, hydrolysis and thermal sensors degradation.

But, in an enclosed circuit, how has entered the pollution? The pollution that find in the system has been able to incorporate during the setting of the same, has been able to generate like consequence of the normal operation, and even has been able to enter a posteriori (when changing components or replace the oil, through the deposits, etc.). Like this, the pollution by particles or water is the most common reason and recurrent of the failures and the stops. Therefore, the importance of the cleaning in the hydraulics oils is crucial.

Filters Cartés, like specialist in leak, and with a specific department of industrial leak, composed by engineers, puts to disposal of his customers an Integral Program of Maintenance of hydraulics oils and of lubrication.

The aim that pursues with the implantation of an integral program of maintenance of hydraulics oils and of lubrication consists in reducing to the minimum the probability of failure in critical machines and optimise the efficiency in the systems.

By means of the analysis and reports oriented to the causes and no only to the consequences of the employment of an oil contaminated, orients the action to the main cause of the wear and failure of the equipment, and establish the protocols and systems stops:

  • Avoid the entrance of contaminantes
  • Detect possible failures and abnormal conditions of operation of the systems
  • Optimise the installation of filters (as well as his correct selection and frequency of change)
  • Guarantee the cleaning of the deposits, avoiding the pollution through the breathers
  • Determine the zones of sampling
  • Realizar the taking of samples of oil, with a minimum frequency recommended of 6 months
  • Monitor the state of the wear of the equipment.

In definite, guarantees the derivative efficiency of a correct operation of the hydraulics systems, and his consequent saving in costs and increase of productivity and profitability.

The phases in which it could divide the maintenance of the system of hydraulics oils, are the following: diagnostic; correction and improvement of the systems; control and monitoring, and back maintenance.

System of control and monitoring RMF 1

System of control and monitoring RMF 1.


The first step before a correct implantation of solutions or corrector measures consists in realizar a suitable and precise diagnostic of the problematic individual of each system. Of this way, will be able to determine with accuracy which are the present problems in the installation and the needs of the same.

The elements to take into account for a correct diagnostic of the situation are the following:

  • Length of the oil
  • recurrent Failures in the system (servos, valves, pumps, etc.)
  • visual Analysis of pumps, together and deposits
  • visual Analysis of the circuits
  • Review of the dimensionado of carcasas and elements filtrantes, as well as the degrees of leak adapted for each application (relation beta, etc.)
  • specific Needs of the manager of the system.

Once realizar this first approximation, have to carry out analysis more exhaustive and specific:

  • Analysis of particles in-house or in laboratory
  • Analysis of the content in water
  • Analysis of solid particles in laboratory
  • chemical Analysis of composition of the oil.
Hydraulics element of Step Industrial Filters
Hydraulics element of Step Industrial Filters.

Correction and improvement of the systems

Once determined the diagnostic, has to realizar the correction and improvement of the systems, determining an integral protocol of purification, control and monitoring of the same. Like this, the conditioning of the oil and his back global maintenance will be determined by a series of actions adapted to the needs and problematic particular.

The different elements that can install , in accordance with each concrete need, are the following:

  • Mobile units of filtered
  • Installation of circuits kidney (off-line)
  • Installation of conditioners of air in the deposits
  • Purificadores of oil.

Control and monitoring

Once realizar the diagnostic of the systems and implemented all the solutions and improvements, the phase of control and monitoring results crucial of face to a complete optimisation of the processes, to level of resources, so many humans like economic.

Like this, by means of the installation of systems of monitoring, will be possible and viable execute a series of actions in real time, such as:

  • Comparison with standards required
  • Determination of the moment ideal for the change of the elements filtrantes
  • Time of shooting and start of new systems
  • Diagnostic of the hydraulics components, such like pumps, threads and together
  • Situation of new oils during the start of the system
  • Verification of the correct off-line leak (in derivación)
  • Determination of the influence that exert the external conditions in the level of particles of the hydraulics system.

The control of the system will realizar through the installation on line of the following elements, that can be connected informáticamente to the mechanisms of control of the responsible of maintenance.

  • Counters of particles on line
  • Sensors of humidity on line
  • Sensors of metallic particles on line.
Mobile unit of filtered RMF
Mobile unit of filtered RMF.

Integral maintenance

Filters Cartés, that has the most prestigious marks in the market, such as RMF, Hydac, Mahle, Internormen, Aldair or Step Industrial Filters, it puts to disposal of his customers the quality consultancy in the integral maintenance of the hydraulics oils and of lubrication in the air conditioning of rooms and catchment of dust and in the supply of filters and systems of leak with the aim to optimise the systems and condition the installations and surroundings of work, improving the efficiency and the productivity.

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