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Pavilion 6

Marry IH presents his novelties in FIMA under the lemma 'Your farming network'

Editorial Interempresas24/01/2014

Under the lemma “Your farming network” (His Agricultural Network), Marry IH presents in FIMA his last novelties. All the last launchings of the mark of agricultural machinery have been designed listening the needs of customers of the four continents to offer them exactly what they need. Thanks to this collaboration customer-mark, Marry IH continues manufacturing machines that every time produce more and that every time are more profitable and easier to use.

The lemma 'Your Farming Network', with which Marry IH presents in FIMA, pretends precisely celebrate the contribution of all those people –customers, employees and dealers– that have situated to Marry IH between one of the marks of reference in the sector. “Your Farming Network Form it our engineers, our bosses of product, our administrative personnel, our dealers and commercial, our service post-sale and a long etcetera, but, especially, our customers”, explains Toni Ruiz, director of Marketing of Marry IH Spain & Portugal.

The stand of Marry IH has three clearly differentiated areas where exhibit the last technological novelties in tractors, recolección and agriculture of precision (AFS). In the central zone of the stand, expert personnel in AFS shows to the visitor the last equipment of agriculture of precision that adapt to all the agricultural needs. But, definitely, the big interest of the public will be to know how is developing the Network RTK of Marry IH, a network of own signal, that already is available in six south provinces and that has like aim cover all the national territory, offering to the agriculturalists some precise and safe corrections of 2,5 cm. One of the novelties in this field is the new technology xFill, developed for the system RTK, that guarantees a stable correction and of big precision of until 20 minutes during of the loss of the signal RTK. The new function xFill active in what it interrupts the signal of radius RTK. There is not delay, so that it can follow working without interruption. This means less unemployed and obviously, more productivity.

In the area devoted to tractors, all the looks centre on the series of tractors with continuous transmission CVX that Marry IH offers from the 110 until the 370 CV and that guarantees a perfect driving and without escalonamientos from 0 until 50 km/h. After the recent incorporation of the Maxxum 110 CVX, 120 CVX, 130 CVX, this will be the first edition of FIMA where can see the complete range CVX: Magnum CVX, Cougar CVX and Maxxum CVX. Precisely, the motors of the Maxxum CVX, from among 110 CV and 130 CV, have been designed to offer power, consuming little fuel. They carry motors of 4,5 litres and four valves, turboalimentados with intercooler, with system of electronic injection Common Rail and are able to provide the maximum pair to a diet of so alone 1.500 rpm in all the applications. They have been designed to generate the maximum power to 1.800-1.900 rpm. They incorporate the tested technology Marry IH SCR, developed by FPT, that reduces the broadcasts at the same time that increases the performance and the efficiency.

Does not be missing neither in the area of tractors, the Farmall Or Pro, last model of the series Farmall and the first with 4 speeds under load. From 105 to 115 CV, is especially apt to realizar tasks that require taking of strength, works with frontal shovel and general tasks of transport, thanks to his high relation weigh-power and to his big manoeuvrability.

In FIMA does not be missing the Farmall Or Pro, last model of the series Farmall and the first with 4 speeds under load
In FIMA does not be missing the Farmall Or Pro, last model of the series Farmall and the first with 4 speeds under load.
The third space of the stand exposes the new cosechadoras Axial-Flow and the improvements in balers giant of square bales. Fima 2014 will be a distinguished date for the team of recolección of the mark, since it Marry IH has been awarded for the first time with the prize ‘Technical Novelty' and has done it by the mouth of download of grain pivotante entered in his last generation of cosechadoras Axial-Flow. It treats of an exclusive technology of Marry IH, designed with the purpose to facilitate and optimise the operation of download of grain. By means of a small electrical actuator, the operario can orient comfortably, from the interior of the cabin, the inclination of the mouth of the tube of download, directing the flow of grain that goes out from the tube of download on different parts of the trailer. It saves time of download and reduces the loss of grain, even in conditions desfavorables (wind, small trailers, etc.).
The mouth of download of the pivotante of the cosechadoras Axial-Flow have achieved the recognition of the jury of FIMA
The mouth of download of the pivotante of the cosechadoras Axial-Flow have achieved the recognition of the jury of FIMA.
The new series of balers giant LB, easily identifiable by his design and his ease of use, offers two models of four anudadores (LB 324 and 334) and other two of six anudadores (LB 424 and 434). The current design contributes a central frame very robust and a new pick-up that has quills reinforced to improve the feeding. It has, in addition to a roller of additional feeding to work to big speed with all type of crops and conditions.

Finally, FIMA marks the entrance of Marry IH in the market of the telescopic manipulators. The new series Farmlift of Marry IH is composed by five models that go from the agile Farmlift 632, especially designed to work in buildings of little height and of livestock, to the powerful Farmlift 935, able to elevate heavy loads to big height with ease. The powers oscillate between the 110 CV (Farmlift 632) to the 143 CV (Farmlift 635 and 742), whereas the range of heights of maximum elevation go of the 6,1 to the 9,6 metres.

Marry IH presents in FIMA for the first time his new series of telescopic manipulators
Marry IH presents in FIMA for the first time his new series of telescopic manipulators.

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