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Pavilion 2, stand 4-9

Gil presents Airsem C and XL, the new sembradora direct light and a new leading hopper

Editorial Interempresas20/01/2014

This year FIMA fulfils the 50 anniversary and Gil is one of the companies that has supported and dinamizado this fair from his origins and that always encourages the pavilion 2 of the same from his stand. In this edition present important novelties in sowing machines and technology for the equipment of work of floor.

This year the big novelty of Gil in FIMA is the new sembradora Airsem XL, composed by a hopper of 6.000 litres and different trains of seed conventional of 6 and 7 metres, with or without the presiembras corresponding. Also it can mount seed direct of grille of 6 metres without need to change of machine. The Airsem XL carries hydraulics transmission with deposit of independent oil, distributor with electrical engine to vary the dose from the tractor and all the hydraulics systems handled by a console. The stick by means of tripuntal ensures the independence of the train of seeds of the hopper of grain; and the fast plugs, allow a change of train of seeds in the minimum time.
The new sembradora Airsem XL has a hopper of 6.000 litres

The new sembradora Airsem XL has a hopper of 6.000 litres.

Another important novelty is the Airsem C, sembradora combined to chorrillo pneumatics, with hydraulics folded chassis for the transport and in three bodies articulated to copy the terrain. This sembradora carries rastra of quills, volumetric distributor of big capacity, erase-footprints of dock, anulador of seed manual, kit of lights and hydraulics scoreboards of bombines independent. Besides, the system of dosage is independent for seed and credit and the hopper goes split with pneumatics system for seed and credit.

Also presents in Saragossa the sembradora direct of light grille SNL4FL to work with tractors of low power. This sembradora can mount two lateral hoppers for the microfertilizante, to the equal that in the rest of sowing machines pneumatics. This new sembradora covers all the spectrum of seed direct and of minimum laboreo, manufacturing in 4 and 5 m.

Sembradora Direct of light grille SNL4FL
Sembradora Direct of light grille SNL4FL.
In FIMA also can know the new design of the sembradora conventional GT, that improves this so appreciated model by the agriculturalists, in addition to the details of the new system of hydraulics control of the depth of seeds of Gil.

Leading hopper and work of floor

Another important novelty of Gil in the FIMA 2014 is the new leading hopper to increase the autonomy of the equipment to the hour to seed. The new hopper has a capacity of 1.500 litres and with the advantage of not increasing the weight of the sembradora and can keep the uniformity of seed, without increasing the power of the tractor. The hopper allows the load with shovel, does not diminish the visibility from the tractor and mounts in the tripuntal leading, being the accionamiento of the hydraulics fan.

In work of floor goes to present a big sample of the wide range of tillers and ploughs, that Gil can offer for any depth of work and manufacturing of mulch of seeds.

The new leading hopper of 1.500 litres does not increase the weight of the sembradora
The new leading hopper of 1.500 litres does not increase the weight of the sembradora.

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