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Interempresas Will edit jointly with the Foundation Icil the magazine

Foundation Icil and Interempresas will improve the communication in the logistical sector

Editorial Interempresas18/12/2013

Pere Rock, president of the Executive Committee of Foundation Icil, Juan Ramón Rodríguez, president of the Association Icil, and Aleix Torné, director of Corporate Development of Interempresas, signed around the middle of December an agreement whereby both entities engage to improve the communication in the logistical sector.

The aim of both entities is to improve the divulging of information related with the sector of the logistics between the companies of the distinct...

The aim of both entities is to improve the divulging of information related with the sector of the logistics between the companies of the distinct fields of the industry and the distribution.

The aim of the agreement reached between Foundation Icil and Interempresas is “to add efforts and arrive to a greater number of readers to spread contents, experiences and best practices of the chain of supply”, explain from Foundation Icil, “in addition to improving substantially his presence in the network by means of the powerful platform of communication that offers us Interempresas". In this sense, from the association affirm “that the informative vocation of the Foundation Icil will see reinforced by this agreement since it will participate in the sectorial magazines of Interempresas with a fixed section”, in reference to the commitment by both parts to endow of informative content to some of the publications that Interempresas edits in paper as they are Metalmecánica, Universal plastics, Packs and Packaging, Horticulture, Ironingingmongery, Automation, Agriculture, Public Works, Chemical and Graphic Arts.

On the other hand, in opinion of the representatives of Icil, the companies of the sector of the logistics, and whose ‘core business' was the business logistics, “will see recognised his position in the chain of value through the presence of Icil in the sectorial magazines, following a strategic positioning that a lot of companies nowadays desconocen or do not give the importance that can have to arrive with his products or services to a world increasingly globalizado”.

“Interempresas Contributes a wide publishing experience and a plurality and a knowledge of the different sectors very important”, affirm from the Icil

With this agreement, the Foundation Icil pretends to arrive to all the companies of the different sectors so that they value the strategic importance of the chain of supply in all his extension in the areas of shopping –procurements, production–, operations and physical distribution with the transport and storage to give them to know the advantages that can suppose them, in front of an increasingly competitive market, this activity, “attaining the satisfaction of the customer sending the product or service when, where and as it want the customer without incurring in costs superfluos and, by the contrary, deleting the operations that do not contribute value to the chain of supply”.

Of izq. To dcha...

Of izq. To dcha.: Aleix Torné, director of Corporate Development of Interempresas, Laura Rodríguez, adviser of communication of the logistical sector of Interempresas, Juan Ramón Rodríguez, president of the Association Icil, Pere Rock, president of the Executive Committee of the Foundation Icil.

By his part, from Interempresas affirm that “the agreement subscribed with Icil consolidates even more the informative mission of Interempresas in all the chain of value of the logistics”. Like this, on the one hand, Interempresas will participate in the edition of the magazine —of the Foundation Icil— and will improve his current diffusion to professionals of the industry and the distribution in Spain and Latin America and, on the other hand, will help to spread the logistics like fundamental actor in all the industry through his sectorial publications. “It will be the perfect complementarity of both organisations with the common aim of dinamizar the flow of the information and improve the learning, building a promising frame of performance with the sum of the ‘know-how' publishing and of the experience and knowledge of the sector".

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Fundación ICIL - Barcelona
Interempresas Media, S.L.U.

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