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The manufacturers of agricultural machinery and rooted tractors in Germany will register a new record growth in 2013

The DLG observes the future with optimism

Editorial Interempresas27/11/2013

As it is used to to be usual coinciding with Agritechnica, the German Society of Agriculture (DLG) gathered to all the international presses for, in addition to presenting the last data referents to the living room, realizar an analysis detailed of the primary sector in Europe and Germany. In this occasion the conference invited treated the subject of the efficiency of the diesel, of the hand of Till Meinel, general director of the Technical Institute of Agricultural Machinery and Renewable Energies of the Upper Technical School of Colony.

The general director of the DLG, Reinhard Grandke, went the first in taking part standing out, once again, the aims of Agritechnica 2013 and the big bets of the main world-wide fair devoted to the agricultural technician, an appointment that finished finally surpassing the figure of 400.000 initially planned visitors.

To continuation, Bernd Scherer, general director of the VDMA, analysed the evolution of the agricultural market European, and the German in particular, for the 2014. The excellent conditions mark of the agriculture and of the industry allow that the manufacturers of agricultural technician in Germany attended to the last Agritechnica with a big impulse. “The state of spirit in our sector could not be better. To end of accounts, a year more, the German agricultural industry has reaffirmed clearly his leadership”, affirmed Scherer.

The manufacturers of agricultural machinery and rooted tractors in Germany will register a new record growth in 2013 thanks to a figure of sales in the production estimated in 8.200 million euros, as well as to a growth of 7%. The experts in statistics of VDMA also predict for the next year a stable evolution of the sales. This tendency also perceives in some results of the current barometer of businesses CEMA that keep on being good. 75% of the respondents thinks that the current climate for the businesses is very good or, like minimum, satisfactory. 39% wait that next year attain a stable situation that favour the status quo, whereas another 35% arrives to foresee a constant growth.

Germany reaches a proportion of almost 28% inside the volume of European production of agricultural technician, what provides to the country a position of avant-garde regarding his paper like centre of production. Likewise, the situation in the German market is positive, since it registers some taxles of significant growth from does already three years; it foresees that this year the volume of market reach the 5.600 million euros. “This success is not fruit at all of the casualidad”, puntualiza Scherer. “If it pretends participate of sustainable way in the current markets of Germany and of Europe, is necessary to bet by the innovation, the quality and the efficiency”, added.

The efficiency of the diesel

The professor Till Meinel, general director of the Technical Institute of Agricultural Machinery and Renewable Energies of the Upper Technical School of Colony, went the invited of honour of the inaugural presses conference of Agritechnica 2013. The subject chosen was the 'The efficiency diesel', that has turned into the last decades on the dot of looks of the agriculturalists, whereas in the previous decades was more important the quality and the execution in the planned term of the works realizar with the modern agricultural machinery. The factors triggers of the current debate have been, in addition to the increase of the cost of the fuel, the environingingmental rule for the reduction of the broadcasts of gas, that from the adoption in 1997 of the Directive 97/68/EG, applies also to the machines of mobile work.

According to Meinel, the technical implementation of the reduction of the broadcasts required by the law and the additional optimisation of the management of motors for the reduction of the consumption of fuels, have purchased since an increasing importance in the activities of investigation and development of the manufacturers of motors, tractors and machines cosechadoras self-propelled. The current knowledges, resulted of the practice and the agricultural investigation and of the field of the agricultural engineering, show that a greater optimisation of the engine of combustion by himself alone is not sufficient to attain a substantial increase of the efficiency diesel. For this is necessary an integral approach, that includes more levels of intervention, like the optimisation of the process of all the cinematic chain, of the processes of work inside a machine, of the whole machine, of the mechanical system, and in summary, of all the process of the agricultural production.

Like example of a successful optimisation of the process of a cinematic chain, Till Meinel put the hybrid telescope of the company Merlo, rewarded with a Medal of Gold in Agritechnica. The system electro-hybrid incorporated in this machine allows to reduce, according to the manufacturer, the power of the engine diesel of ≥100 kW to 56 kW, and depending of the cycle of work, obtain an increase of the efficiency diesel of until 30%. Another medal of gold was for the system 'Airsep' of the company Grimme, a development that optimises the processes of work inside a machine. It treats of a pneumatics device for the separation of additives in the harvest of potatoes that in addition to a greater performance, offers an increase of the efficiency diesel when doing unnecessary the costly separation of terrain in border areas. The professor did not forget of the system 'Axmat', developed by the company Rauch in collaboration with MSO, specialists in technicians of measurement, a successful example of the optimisation of a whole machine; and the system ICT presented by Claas and rewarded with a medal of Silver, that optimises so much the processes of work like the provision of the combination of tractor and machine.

Till Meinel, general director of the Technical Institute of Agricultural Machinery and Renewable Energies of the Upper Technical School of Colony...
Till Meinel, general director of the Technical Institute of Agricultural Machinery and Renewable Energies of the Upper Technical School of Colony, realizar the conference invited speaking of the efficiency diesel.

The greater results in the improvement of the efficiency diesel obtain when they optimise the individual stages of the process or all the process of production. Till Meinel Exposed some examples of the sector of the production of plants. Also the use of systems of navigation by satellite constitutes, especially in the agricultural production, the base for the improvement and the application of technologies of saving of diesel. The technician of the labranza in bands 'Strip-Till' that combin in the crops in row the positive characteristics of seeds it direct with the intensive work in the area of the cultured plants; and the system 'Controlled Traffic', that offers the possibility to apply a system of management of driving for surfaces of production, went the exposed examples.

Like summary and prognosis Till Meinel formulated four key reflections with regard to the efficiency diesel in the agricultural production:

  • The increase of the efficiency diesel is the result of the sum of the application of a lot of individual measures – from the industry of machinery until the same process of production.
  • The optimisation of all the process of the agricultural production offers the potential elder of saving in comparison with the optimisation of stages of individual process.
  • The confidence of the agriculturalists in the protection of his digital information is previous condition for the integral use of this information to attain a greater efficiency diesel.
  • The systems of navigation by satellite in combination with technologies of accionamiento electrical-hybrid allow the wide use of modern methods and of efficiency diesel in the production of plants.

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