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Interempresas, invited to the act of the company with the technical presses

Barloworld Finanzauto Celebrates his 50 anniversary like distributor of Caterpillar

Barloworld Finanzauto11/11/2013

The past 31 May fulfilled 50 years of the signature of the agreement with Caterpillar, by part of Finanzauto, SA, for the distribution and service in scoop for Spain, of his products manufactured. Definitely, these five decades have been witness of the greater evolution of the man, to the hour to obtain, transform and take out all the party to the raw materials. In only 50 years the communications, the transports, the minería, the agriculture and, in general, all the industries, have evolved of such form that, no longer to our grandparents, but to our parents, had seemed them authentic science fiction.

Our country has not been extraneous to all these advances and Finanzauto and Caterpillar have participated actively putting his equipment and his personal hands to the work, what definitely has supposed a granite of sand more in this that have called “progress”.

Beside the company, giving him value and his reason to be, always have been his customers, without which had been impossible to arrive until today; and with which Barloworld Finanzauto will celebrate this anniversary by all his bases during the next months.

Team of Steering of Barloworld Finanzauto

Team of Steering of Barloworld Finanzauto.

Also during these 50 years, the company has had another mate of trip very important, somebody with the one who has worked elbow to elbow to give to know his offer, his service, his contribution to the distinct industrial states and, also, his history. Clearly we refer us to the Skilled Presses, with the one who also is more than just celebrate this ephemeris. By all this, the past day 17 October, Barloworld Finanzauto celebrated a meeting with the editors of the most prestigious means of the relative sectors so much to machinery for Construction, Or. P., Minería, Agriculture, Environingingment, etc., as to the markets to which direct our motors, as they are Marino, Power, Oil and gas and also other industries.

Moment of the signature, in Ginebra, of the agreement of distribution of Caterpillar by part of Finanzauto, SA

Moment of the signature, in Ginebra, of the agreement of distribution of Caterpillar by part of Finanzauto, SA.

In the meeting participated by part of the Steering of Barloworld Finanzauto: Viktor Salzmann, CEO of the company, Carlos Moral, director of Operations, Francisco Carrillo, commercial director and Marketing, Jorge Beltrán, director of Motors, Isabel Vicente, director of Postventa, Clyde Griffin, director financialsiro, Graziano Cassinelli, director of Equipment Used and Rents, and Javier León, boss of the Dpto. Of Marketing.

The appointment was in a restaurant to the outskirts of Madrid, to the 13.30 hours, where received to the assistants with a cocktail of welcome, that facilitated the greeting between ones and others and aplacó the thirst in a day quite calurosa. On the 14 hours began the act of presentation.

Viktor Salzmann, CEO of Barloworld Finanzauto

Viktor Salzmann, CEO of Barloworld Finanzauto.

After the presentation of the program, by part of Javier León, that did of teacher of ceremonies, opened the meeting Viktor Salzmann, appreciating his assistance to all the representatives of the means. The Mr. Salzmann launched a message of optimism of face to the future, basing in two fundamental pillars. The first, the excellent solvency of the company, to which described as “very healthy” by the state of his financial health and his fortress in the market. The second, his total confidence in the human team that directs, from the employee of lower labour rank until the components of the Council of Steering, standing out his commitment, his effort and big professionalism.

After the Mr. Salzmann, took the word the directors of the distinct commercial areas, those who did a review of the become in each one of his areas along these last 50 years and in which point are nowadays.

Francisco Carrillo, commercial director and of Marketing in Barloworld Finanzauto

Francisco Carrillo, commercial director and of Marketing in Barloworld Finanzauto.

Like this, Francisco Carrillo, abounded on the importance of the constant investigation by part of Caterpillar, to incorporate in the development of all his manufactured the last technologies, as well as the sobrado fulfillment of the European and state requirements, regarding rules and valid regulations.

Also did reference to the more than 43.000 units Caterpillar sold in Spain in these years and wanted to do special upsetting to the current commercial strategy of the company, focalizada in offering more than a unit or a concrete service, complete solutions, so that the customers obtain greater profitability of his equipment and also of his businesses. Finally, it referred to the expansion of the range of products for the minería, after the acquisition of the mark Bucyrus, that will allow to expand the offer in equipment of load and involve to open sky and also minería inner with perforación, entibación and tunnels.

Graziano Cassinelli, director of Equipment Used and Rents in Barloworld Finanzauto

Graziano Cassinelli, director of Equipment Used and Rents in Barloworld Finanzauto.

Graziano Cassinelli did reference to the importance to offer to the market all the possible commercial options, in addition to the purchase of new equipment. It spoke of the big profitability that, in the appropriate circumstances, can suppose the option of the rent or the purchase of a team used. Also resaltó how the machines or power generators used certificates Cat, stand out us of the competition, putting in the market some equipment guaranteeed, able to give a performance like new and with an important saving of money for the customer. Another important point was the quotation to the company of the group My Tractor, devoted exclusively to the businesses via internet, that in a period of only two years is achieving one excellent results.

Jorge Beltrán, director of Motors of Barloworld Finanzauto

Jorge Beltrán, director of Motors of Barloworld Finanzauto.

Jorge Beltrán also did a review of these five decades, mentioning have sold something more than 14.000 motors in Spain. It did emphasis in the current position of the business, in which the big fuselages, the alternative energies, the installations key in hand, the oil, the gas, etc., had taken the leadership in front of the ships pesqueros that years backwards were ours main market. Also it aimed the commercialisation of the big motors of the mark MAK, that assume from 2001 to expand the rank of powers that offered Caterpillar in his range. To the equal that Francisco Carrillo mentioned for machines, in the businesses of motors Barloworld Finanzauto offers complete solutions that will increase the profitability of the armador, the shipowner or the energetic company of the type that went. The bet by the future of the Division of Motors and Power of the company bases in the big experience of his personnel of service and very high qualification of his technicians and engineers.

Isabel Vicente, director of Postventa of Barloworld Finanzauto

Isabel Vicente, director of Postventa of Barloworld Finanzauto.

Isabel Vicente began his exhibition with a message: “The Service postventa of a big company, always marks the difference”. In Barloworld Finanzauto, during the last 50 years have done it. But it has not been easy, the first is to have vocation of service, know that a customer satisfied always will be a faithful customer. Afterwards it is necessary to have a sufficient offer to cover any need of the customer and, finally, it is necessary to evolve, it is necessary to be in avant-garde, never be left behind, go with the times and, if possible, advance to them. But how?

From the beginning had very clear that the learning was very important. Like this, in 1971, it created the Centre of Advice and Learning, where during six months formed the two first promotions of Inspectors Postventa (IPVs). Also they formed to consciousness cientos of mechanics.

As we already said previously, in the last 50 years the world has changed a lot of and so much the needs of the businesses like the requirements of the customers, have done it also. In Barloworld Finanzauto have been to the height. In 1972, we begin the program CEAD, to analyse the oils of the units and determine possible bad-functions. This same year launch the pieces reconstructed and in 1989 initiated the commercialisation of pieces used, expanding like this our range of solutions. A big step was, in 1992, the automation of the regulatory warehouse of spare parts, something in that really futuristic moment, that still today surprises to the visitors. In 1994 it launches the ‘Yellow Line', service of spare parts 24 hours. To all this, the learning and specialisation of the human team follow advancing. To the IPVs followed them the commercial technicians for motors. Also they incorporate specialists of maintenance to attend the, increasingly, units with agreements of maintenance, with vehicles designed specifically for these tasks. Technicians of hydraulics with service 24 hours, also with special vehicles instrumented to such end.

New Hydraulics Centre of Barloworld Finanzauto
New Hydraulics Centre of Barloworld Finanzauto.

This last year Barloworld Finanzauto has opened a Hydraulics Centre, only in Spain of these characteristics, situated in the terrains of the Base of Arganda. Also it has put in operation the Centre Star (technological service of remote advice), situated in the central building, and that occupies to do a continuous follow-up of the equipment to obtain his best performances and advance to possible failures or failures. In definite, have evolved with the times, but have kept us faithful to our principles to offer the best service to the customer, the widest offer and the best solutions. That is our professional reason, by which each day set up the 750 people that work in the different areas of Postventa of Barloworld Finanzauto.

The service postventa follows playing a fundamental paper in the activity of Barloworld Finanzauto. New base in Tenerife...

The service postventa follows playing a fundamental paper in the activity of Barloworld Finanzauto. New base in Tenerife.

Carlos Moral closed the turn of interventions, appreciating also to the editors his assistance to this act and his support along all these 50 years. Resaltó The capacity of the company to be always to the technological avant-garde, innovando in the processes of the business and realizar the necessary investments to remain valid and operative year after year. “From 1967 in that they opened the three first bases, which follow today perfectly operative, were building all what today are: 12 bases, 21 delegations, more than 40.000 m2 of workshops and warehouses…

Carlos Moral, director of Operations in Barloworld Finanzauto

Carlos Moral, director of Operations in Barloworld Finanzauto.

Centring us in the last five years, the investments realizar have been importantísimas. From 2008 we have carried out projects of renewal and integral update of the bases of Bilbao, Oviedo, Málaga and The Coruña. At the same time, we have realizar projects of partial rehabilitation in the bases of Arganda, Valencia and Saragossa. In October of 2012 open a new delegation in The Port of the Light (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), devoted to our customers of the marine sector. In June of this year have inaugurated a new base in Tenerife to substitute to the previous, much more modern and instrumented and with an excellent situation. In November of this same year, has inaugurated a new delegation in Valladolid, that will substitute to which has been up to now in service. To first of 2014 will inaugurate a new base in Barcelona, also to substitute the previous. To Barcelona will follow him, around the middle of year, the new base of Seville, in a very near situation to which have at present in Two Sisters, to which also will substitute.

New delegation for marine service in the Port of the Light (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)

New delegation for marine service in the Port of the Light (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria).

All this plan of renewal under way and other investments that will follow the next years, guarantee that we can follow offering to our customers the best service.

Would like me stand out also the worry that always has kept the company, along these years, to enter the computer systems more advanced and new. From the first computer that arrived to the company in 1974, with peripheral terminals that connected all the bases. In the last years have advanced a lot in this sense. In 2002 it implanted the system of integral management SAP. Immediately afterwards, it implemented with the system of management of customers CRM. Today, all our commercial have of digital tablets with all the necessary information to facilitate his management”.

Carlos Moral also wanted to stand out the commitment of the company with the environingingment and the sustainability, in this sense alluded to that has of the system of environingingmental management ISO 14001, in the central headquarters and in the bases of Arganda, Coruña, Saragossa and Valencia; to which will follow the rest of bases the next years.

Finally, Morals justified the success of these five decades, with the combination of efforts of several generations of employees, from those that began to the protect of the financial support of the group López-Quesada and lived in first person the primes of the business with Caterpillar, to the most current that have lived from the beginning the philosophy of work, the aprovechamiento of the synergies and the financial capacity of the Group Barloworld. In all these moments the confidence and the vicinity of the customers has been key in the growth of the company and have strengthened some foundations that ensure a lot of more years of work, of evolution and of successes for all.

Representatives of the technical presses invited to the event
Representatives of the technical presses invited to the event.

After the interventions established a turn of questions of the editors, headed to any one of the people of the company that were there present. Finally all shared a breakfast and sobremesa that lengthened until happened the six of the afternoon.

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Finanzauto, S.A.U.

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