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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at José Manuel de las Heras reelegido coordinador estatal de la Unión de Uniones

José Manuel of the Heras reelected state coordinator of the Union of Unions


11 November 2013


José Manuel of the Heras has gone back to be chosen State Coordinator of the Union of Unions of Agriculturalists and Graziers in the course of the II State Assembly celebrated in Valency under the lemma ‘By some just prices'. Joan Caball (Joined of Pagesos of Catalonia), Luis Javier Navarro (Joined of Llauradors of the Comunitat Valencian), Aniceto Rodríguez (Union of Extremadura), José Rodriguez (Union of Castile-La Mancha) and Alfredo Berrocal, (Union of Madrid) form part also of the new Executive Commission of the Union.

During these days, near of 300 delegates of the Unions of different Autonomous Communities have analysed, between other things, the application of the PAC and the problematic of prices and the Law of the Alimentary Chain. All this in an interesting round table on ‘Prices and the new Law of Alimentary Chain. Challenges and Opportunities' in which they have participated the spokesmen of PP, PSOE, CIU, IU and Mixed Group-Compromís of Agriculture in the Congress.

After his reelection, José Manuel of the Heras has said in his first words that “there is a clear disadvantage between the power negotiator of the agriculturalists, the cooperatives and the small and average industries with the big distribution represented by the big supermarkets and thus we support the initiative of the Ministry of the Law of the Alimentary Chain, although we will contribute our proposals to improve it through his regulations of application”.

The act of closure has had the presence of authorities like the one of the president of the Generalitat, Alberto Fabra, the mayor of Valencia, Rita Barberá, and the minister of Agriculture, Miguel Arias Cañete, that has spoken on the new law: “the agriculturalist and the grazier have to obtain increasingly his profit of the market and therefore we go to set up this innovative Law, extend to other sectors an agency of Information and Alimentary Control as already it has done with the olive oil and an arbitration with the figure of the mediator”.

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