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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Talleres Lázaro inaugura su nueva tienda de repuestos Granit

Massive influx to his day of open doors in Valseca (Segovia)

Workshops Lázaro inaugurates his new shop of spare parts Granit

David Muñoz20/09/2013

On 18 September, Workshops Lázaro, authorised car dealer of Marry IH for Segovia and part of Madrid, organised a day of open doors in his installations of Valseca to give to know his new shop of spare parts Granit. With this initiative, the family Lázaro, that treasures a long experience in the agricultural market, deepens in his vocation to offer to the customers an integral offer of solutions.

From the years 60, when Workshops Lázaro was cream in the place segoviana of Sacramenia, this company has dumped in giving the best possible service to his customers. Now, with the second generation of the family heading the management of the company, has stepped more in this sense inaugurating a new shop in his installations of Valseca (Segovia) allocated to the supply of the complete range of products that composes the catalogue of Granit Parts.

Family Lázaro beside the managers of Marry IH that assisted to the day of open doors...
Family Lázaro beside the managers of Marry IH that assisted to the day of open doors. Roberto Lázaro (third by the left) occupies at present the management of the company.

To give to know this new commercial establishment, Workshops Lázaro organised a day of open doors that had a successful influx of customers of the zone. “The greater satisfaction that can have is that the customers, by those who we bet day in day out, are betting, in a so special appointment as today, by Workshops Lázaro, assisting in a very important number to this day of open doors”, signalled Roberto Lázaro, manager of the company. “From here I want to appreciate to all those that have come and to all those that have excusado his assistance because they are in full campaign, his confidence in Workshops Lázaro. The support that are giving us is incalculable and this is the best that could receive”, continued saying the manager of Workshops Lázaro.

Integral service

Authorised car dealer of Marry IH for Segovia and part of Madrid for many years, and trading company also of other marks of agricultural machinery for the region, Workshops Lázaro expands now his fan of services with the supply of the spare parts Granit. “We want to offer a service added to our customers with the new shop of the German products Granit. We have appreciated in this mark a very complete range of products, of such form that all those that go in in our shop, of some 300 m2 of surface, go to be able to find all that that need, so much for his ancient tractors as for his newer tractors”, indicated Roberto Lázaro.

They were numerous the customers that assisted to the day of open doors of Granit Parts
They were numerous the customers that assisted to the day of open doors of Granit Parts.

To do reality this project, Workshops Lázaro has come keeping conversations with the subsidiary in Spain of Granit Parts from does roughly a year. After the pertinent analyses and plannings, today this shop is already a reality. “We did not want to precipitate us with the inauguration, wanted that this day was really striking and festive. And by the reaction of the people think that have attained it, since they are many those that have congratulated us when seeing how has remained the shop and those that have congratulated us by this initiative, with which want to improve the image of Workshops Lázaro like one of the main providers of agricultural equipment in the province, inside the agricultural sector”, concluded Roberto Lázaro.

With the première of the new shop, Workshops Lázaro also steps more in his strategy of traspasar his head office of the ancient installations of Sacramenia to the most modern of Valseca, opened in the year 2005. His growth also sees reflected in the staff, that has happened, in less than ten years, of 8 people to the 22 workers with which explains at present, two of them incorporated to the organisation chart of the company in these last months.

Carlos Casaus, general director of Granit Parts in Spain
Carlos Casaus, general director of Granit Parts in Spain.

Referent in spare parts

The day of open doors of Workshops Lázaro had the presence of the general director of Granit Parts in Spain, Carlos Casaus, the one who showed his satisfaction for being able to do reality this project: “For us, today also it is a very special day, no only by the illusion that supposes always inaugurate a new shop, but besides because in this occasion do it of the hand of a company like Workshops Lázaro that it has showed us a big capacity of effort and of work, and that has put a lot of obstinacy in this project. In this sense can say that the illusion is double”.

“In the times that run, alas is not very usual that give this type of initiatives, by what is to value and appreciate even more that Workshops Lázaro have had the will, and the tarpaulin, to having wanted to initiate this new project with Granit Parts. We expect that it give them a lot of fruit”, added the general director of Granit Parts in Spain.

As it defines to himself same, Granit Parts is a “wholesaler of original pieces and identical spare parts of all the marks, that works elbow with elbow in all Europe with skilled distributors of agricultural machinery, useful of gardening and machinery of work: a work with service to the customer of first and products of first”.

The assortment Granit composes of original pieces, replaced of the providers OEM leaders and identical spare parts of first quality. A wallet of product that complete with a wide program of accessories for installations and shop.

Shop with the products of Granit Parts in the installations of Workshops Lázaro
Shop with the products of Granit Parts in the installations of Workshops Lázaro.
“Granit Is a familiar company, as also it is it Workshops Lázaro. It is a German company, what infunde tranquility with regard to the quality of the products that commercialises. And it is, first of all, a serious and honest company, that shows vicinity with all those that want to work with her”, manifested Carlos Casaus.

In this vicinity, Workshops Lázaro goes to benefit, definitely, of the commercial and technical office with which explains Granit Parts in Ávila, from which gives support to his customers. Besides, from ten months ago, the company has a new logistical centre to some 80 km of Hamburg (Germany) from which speeds up the supply of all the references by Europe.

Dealer of Marry IH

The one who neither was missing to this so special appointment in the path of Workshops Lázaro was Xavier Autonell, director of Business of Marry IH for Spain and Portugal, the one who resaltaba the importance of this act: “The market in Spain follows to the drop. It is necessary to be realistic, this are beans explained, no feelings, and in August the market still followed 10% underneath of the registers of the past year. But in this situation no everything is negative, also is necessary to recognise that this crisis is comporting a greater profesionalización of the sector. The difficulties that exist to obtain credit do that today practically only buy machinery the professional customers, the big agriculturalists, the skilled agriculturalists, the service companies, contractors… This causes that the tractor that sell today have increasingly technological component, was of greater quality, with greater powers, etc. And to be able to arrive to the market with this type of product requires equally dealers very profesionalizados, something in what Workshops Lázaro is a clear example”.

Xavier Autonell, director of Business of Marry IH for Spain and Portugal
Xavier Autonell, director of Business of Marry IH for Spain and Portugal.

“Every time there will be a lower number of dealers and those that remain will have to cover areas wider. Thus it is fundamental that these dealers have the best manufacturing, that have all the tools and the best learning to give an optimum service to the customers. And in this sense can confirm that Workshops Lázaro is working more than ever for offering this service, betting to 100% by a mark as it Marry IH and investing in some fantastic installations as in which we are today. In it Marry IH feel us very proud to be represented by this dealer”, finished Xavier Autonell.

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