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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La FER premia el trabajo social y el rigor periodístico con el galardón Fundación de Estudios Rurales

The FER rewards the social work and the journalistic rigour with the galardón Foundation of Rural Studies


1 July 2013

The Foundation of Rural Studies announced, recently, the failure of the edition 2013 of his prizes homónimos. In this occasion, the FAO, the program Agricultural Wave, issued all the Saturdays in Wave Zero, the State Federations of UGT and the Aragonese singer Carmen Paris will receive the next 10 July award them.

In the category of Politics, Economy and Social Sciences, the FER recognises the tireless "work" of the FAO in the fight against the hunger in the world and "after the development of the people that live and work of the agriculture and the livestock in all the globe”. Also it rewards the journalistic work of the program Agricultural Wave, directed by Pablo Rodríguez Pinilla and Solitude of Juan and issued by the emisora Wave Zero, with the prize 'Were López Square'. The jury stands out "the commitment of his team with the work and the effort of thousands of agriculturalists and graziers, offering useful information and of quality for the inhabitants of the rural world”. The organisation, present also in the cultural facet, artistic and literary will deliver this galardón to the Aragonese Carmen Paris, by his professionalism along the last decades like singer and composer and like “defender of the traditional musical culture Mediterranean that sinks his roots in the rural world”. His bet by the fusion and the mestizaje of genders like the jota Aragonese, the Flemish, the Andalusian music or the jazz, among others, convert to the rewarded, in opinion of the jury, in one of the most recognised “artists of the musical panorama”.

The special prize of the Foundation is this year for the group of State Federations of the General Union of Workers (UGT), that group the sindical representation of all the sectors of labour activity in Spain, like recognition to the work realised along all the history of the organisation, coinciding with the 125 anniversary of UGT and the edition 41 of the Confederal Congress of the union.

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