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The 100.000 square metres of exhibition go back to hang the poster of complete

Arias Cañete inaugurates the 53 edition of Fercam

Editorial Interempresas17/06/2013
The minister of Agriculture, Feeding and Environingingment, Miguel Arias Cañete, inaugurates the 53ª edition of the Regional Fair of the Field of Castile-La Mancha (Fercam) that celebrates in Manzanares (Ciudad Real) of the 3 to 7 July. It treats of the contest ferial dean of the region and one of the most important of the country in his sector.
Fercam, with an enclosure of more than 100.000 square metres, goes back to have total occupation. The space expositivo available remained occupied to 100% the past month of May, so much in the outside –with agricultural machinery, irrigations, livestock, public work, automotive sector, etc.–, as in the Pavilion of Samples, with a sector pujante like the agroalimentario, with more than 30 stands that add to other related with complementary products of the agriculture and the livestock, pertinent of all the national geography.
The councillor of Fercam, Lola Serna, expressesed his satisfaction by the received that is having the section agroalimentario. Also resaltó the exhibition grazier that can see during the sample, with the presence of companies of Andalucia, Extremadura and Castile-La Mancha. In this edition, Fercam repeats the auction of sementales that already celebrated in Manzanares the past month of February and that had a big success of participation.

Besides celebrate the usual contests of quality of wines and cheeses in which they participate only Spanish companies-manchegas. The program of parallel activities is very complete and the technical conferences treat of subjects of actuality specifically related with the problematic of the agriculture and the livestock.


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