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Santa Maria of Gimenells (Lleida) put the full stop to the first stage of the DemoTour 2013 with the attention put in the continuous transmission CVX and the agriculture of precision

Marry IH approach all his potential to the agriculturalist with the DemoTour 2013

David Pozo02/05/2013
More than 320 agriculturalists from Catalonia, Aragon and bordering regions gathered the past day 23 April in a plot in the inmediaciones of Santa Maria of Gimenells (Lleida) in what it was the fifth and last appointment of the first stage of the DemoTour 2013 of Marry IH, that will have continuity after the summer with three dates more in the south of Spain. Theoretical demonstrations-practical, in that the professionals had the opportunity to participate actively in the proofs on foot of field of the best equipment Marry IH –Cougar CVX 160, Cougar CVX 215, Cougar CVX 230, Maxxum CVX 130, Maxxum 140 MC and Magnum CVX 370–, and know in depth one of the big bets of the mark: the agriculture of precision.

The climatology was one of the protagonists of the first stage of the DemoTour 2013, with terrains flooded around the Spanish geography, causing some that another incoveniente to the hour to go in in the field with the machines. This did not affect at all to the assistance to the five demonstrations of field realised by Marry IH. Until 1.500 professionals gathered in the five first appointments of the DemoTour 2013, that had stopped in Palencia, Zamora, Segovia, Saragossa and Lleida, surpassing all the inclemencias and showing the organisational capacity of the technical team and comecial of Marry IH.

Under these same conditions, sun and a pleasant temperature, took place the past 23 April the last of the demonstrations in the place leridana of Santa Maria of Gimenells. In this occasion were more than 300 agriculturalists those that approached to the act organised by Marry IH to approach to the professionals the agriculture of precision and the continuous transmission CVX.

Two imponentes tráilers, traidos from the head office of Marry IH in St.Valentin (Austria), headed the infrastructure deployed by Marry IH for the occasion. The initial presentation ran to charge of Tony Ruiz, responsible of Product of Marry IH, the one who showed to the assistants all the models that formed part of the DemoTour: the impressesive Magnum CVX 370, manufactured in EE UU, authentic power, and that in Lleida could test on the terrain with a subsolador of nueve arms of the mark Kuhn; the models of the range Cougar CVX 215 and CVX 230, with the transmission until the 50 km/h, very versatile and a maximum power of 270 CV; the Cougar CVX 160, example of big versatilidad in the range of high power; and the Maxxum CVX 130 and MC 140, very agile and widely configurable.

Tony Ruiz resumió the characteristics of the tractors Marry IH in four points: confort in the cabin; simplicity and ease in the handle, by means of the crowbar Multicontroller; lower consumption and greater productivity, with the system APM of automatic gestión of productivity; and adaptability to work with the big bet of Marry IH, the agriculture of precision, already was by means of guided manual, assisted or integrated .

Marry IH keeps on being pioneer in continuous transmission

It marry IH account today with three series with the continuous transmission CVX (Maxxum, Cougar and Magnum), each one of which has been manufactured with the same conception of system of double embrague DKT, developed in exclusive for the mark. “This system allows can do the change of a mechanical range to another without that the user perceive it”, explained also Tony Ruiz to the assistants. “Besides it exists a contribution, so much of power as of movement, with a part histroestática. It treats of a bomb joined up by means of a dish to both transmissions (mechanical and hidroestática), that goes adding or subtracting speed. Of this form, and with the aim to have all the necessary fan and solapar a mechanical range with another realises a contribution hidroestático that allows to work in continuous of 0 to 50 km/h”. And it described his operation: “Once it sets up the tractor, although the wheels are detained, the transmission already has begun to work (unemployed active), thanks to an also developed system in scoop for Marry IH that allows to work in stop without any type of wear, and that offers hygiene if it works in slope, since it does not exist the need to step the brake”.
Tony Ruiz, responsible of Product of Marry IH, commissioned to explain also to the assistants the advantages of the transmission CVX...
Tony Ruiz, responsible of Product of Marry IH, commissioned to explain also to the assistants the advantages of the transmission CVX.
Depending on the power of the tractor, the transmission will be composed by two mechanical ranges to forward and one to backwards (series Maxxum and small models of Cougar) or by four mechanical ranges to forward and two to backwards (series Magnum and models Cougar of 170 to 230 CV).

“In the moment that acciona the investor to forward the transmission begins to work and to position . When the operator displaces the crowbar multicontroller, winning in movement, the mechanical part of the tractor transfers the movement to the wheel. When it finds to a minimum speed or under way backwards, works with the package B of the transmission, since the system considers that it has to be prepared to realise an investment anytime and of a much faster form. If by the contrary wins in speed, automatically changes to the another embrague for accionar the second mechanical range without that produce any jump and like this can purchase the maximum speed”, explained Tony Ruiz.

The DemoTour 2013 will have continuity after the summer with three new appointments in the sud of Spain and Portugal

The agriculture of precision wins in leadership

In this DemoTour has wanted to put also emphasis in a field in which it Marry IH carries working from does years: the agriculture of precision, that allows to reduce costs and homogenise productions. From the AFS Support Center, situated in the Belgian place of Zedelgem, Marry IH offers an excellent service postventa with technical advice. With only call to the 800 900 507, a number of free telephone of attention to the customer 24 hours 365 days to the year, the user is attended by qualified engineers and experts in agriculture of precision provistos of simulators and of the most qualified technology and advanced.

Isabel González, coordinator of the AFS Support Center, was present in the DemoTour of Lleida to explain to agriculturalists and presses specialised the potential of the products of Marry IH in this field, from the most basic to the last developments. González began showing the EZ-Guide 250, a system of guided by bar of lights with a simple interface of user, list to start with to work. It installs easily and it integrates his own receptor GPS. It treats of the optimum solution if it is the first time that uses systems of orientation and if it wishes complement the equipment of tractors of all the marks. The following system presented was the FM-750, that to the equal that EZ-Guide 250, installs easily so that it can be used immediately. The main difference is that the version FM-750 has a bigger screen and can update to a solution AFS complete anytime.

The last of the systems of guided presents was the FM-1000, that offers a big reliability and performance, since it integrates the two receptors GPS + Glonass pointers of the sector. The system FM-1000 allows to control the orientation, the steering and the mapping of easy form with a level of precision from among 20 and 2,5 cm of past to past and of year to year.

Isabel González, coordinator in the AFS Support Center...
Isabel González, coordinator in the AFS Support Center, was present in the DemoTour celebrated in Lleida to explain the products Marry IH for agriculture of precision.

Isabel Gonzaléz also presented the Field-IQ, a system that active and desactiva automatically until 48 sections of the arm to avoid a pulverización excessive and that remain hileras without treating. The result is a faster application and precise in all the works in field and more comfort for the operator when displacing by cabeceras and other situations of difficult driving. Marry IH has also of a wide range of integrated solutions, that come of factory with the tractor Marry IH. The functions of supervision of the performance, configuration of the vehicle, conservation of registers, mapping, video and AFS AccuGuide finds them all in the same place, in the tactile screens AFS Pro 300, AFS PRO 600 or AFS Pro 700, and integrate to 100% in his operative surroundings.

“Marry IH has of a wide range for all the solutions that need the agriculturalist nowadays, always adaptable to all type of tractors”, resumió Isabel González, the one who put like one of the challenges of the mark the “create a network of own signals to be able to provide him to the customer a signal RTK, the most efficient and more precise of the market”. 

Marry IH looks to the 2013 with optimism

The good figures of 2012, where Marry IH achieved, with 7,1%, the third position in quota of market of tractors in Spain, do that from the company look also with optimism this 2013. “It is evident that the figure of 8.600 tractors sold is a very bad figure, but in our case the caida in available volumes has seen compensated by a sensitive improvement in the quota of market. If from the 2007 the total volume of tractors sold has reduced in 50%, Marry IH only has gone down 20%”, affirmed Xavier Autonell, general director of Marry IH Spain&Portugal. Analysing the market of the tractor of our country, Autonell considers that the current figures do not reflect the real market and the need that there is in Spain to renew the park of tractors. “We are absolutely convinced that the current market is influenced by the feeling generalised of crisis that influences in the decision of the agriculturalist, to weigh that this have not been one of the most punished sectors by the same, and this influences in the purchase of new machinery”.

The general director supported to confirm his theory in the figures of tractors used inscribed during 2012 and the first quarter of 2013, that unlike the new equipment (-17%), moves in figures clearly positive (+12%). “What palpamos through our dealers is that this can not follow like this, since they are not selling tractor trucks used in optimum conditions, and many even come from of the foreigner. The market is suing new tractors. Only it needs recover a bit of confidence so that the tendency begin to be positive”, affirmed Autonell, the one who has positive feelings and considers that the market of tractors could recover the figure of 9.000 tractors sold to finals of year.

To keep his quota of market, from Marry IH puts the accent in the complete plan of marketing elaborated by the company and based in the periods feriales. It was in this point where Xavier Autonell put in question the current model of big fairs: “Sometimes, like manager of a mark as it Marry IH, pose you if has logic the cost that comports an appointment like FIMA. The market of tractors has gone down to the half, but the prices and costs that comports to assist, in place to go down, have gone up. I think that this question at least is necessary to pose it for a future”, aseveró Autonell.

The responsible maximum of Marry IH also wanted to stand out the project to three years of Marry IH to develop his own network of communication of antennas RTK. In this 2013 will begin by the sud of Spain (Castile-La Mancha, Western Andalucia and Murcia), that does not have the system VRS installed by the own Administration in other CC AA like Castile and Leon or Aragon. In 2014 it will extend to the rest of zones of Castile-La Mancha, Oriental Andalucia and Valencian Community, and in 2015 to Catalonia and Extremadura.

Xavier Autonell, general director of Marry IH Spain&Portugal, shows optimisma of face to this 2013
Xavier Autonell, general director of Marry IH Spain&Portugal, shows optimisma of face to this 2013.

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