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The appointment increased the participation of customers and visitors, with the launching of new living rooms like the Living room of the Tractor and social measures focused to the emprendedores

The 141 Fira of Sant Josep of Mollerusa closes with a positive balance in participation of display units and visitors

Editorial Interempresas03/04/2013
The Fira of Sant Josep of Mollerussa closed his edicición 141 with a positive balance, so much of participation of display units as in number of visitors, the development of the contest and the volume of business realised in the frame of the fair. The contest opened the edition with an increase of display units of 4% and of space of 31% in comparison with the previous edition. The president of Fira of Mollerussa, entity organiser of the contest, and mayor of the city, Marc Solsona, did a very positive assessment of the fair which registered 161.000 visitors. Solsona Stood out the interest of 81% of visitors to go back to participate in the next announcement, data that described like "importantísimo and of guarantee for the year 2014".
The president of Fira of Mollerussa showed his satisfaction by the answer so much in the section of display units as in the new Living room of the Tractor, a specific space and differentiated, novelty of this edition, and that with a surface of some 4.000 m2 gross received a fortnight of display units the majority of them dealers of tractors and cosechadoras. Solsona Referred to the good received of the new format, with which pretended cover two aims: give answer to the approach realised the past year by part of this community of display units to participate of form bianual to the contest, on the one hand, and improve this sector and look for zones of specialisation in the fair, by another. In relation to the Living room of the Tractor, the majority of these display units put of self-evident his will, expressesed in the surveys, to go back the next year.

The 141ª Fira of Sant Josep gathered a total of 290 display units, of which 127 corresponded to the External Enclosure, where situated the agricultural machinery and complementos for the agriculture and the livestock; 138 to the Pavilions Feriales, where exposed complementos for the agriculture and the livestock, entities, multisectorial and agroalimentación, and 25 to the Living room of the Car. As it explained Solsona the positive results extended to all the sectors, between them the Living room of the Car, which explained a year more with the inducement of the draw of a prize of 6.000 euros between all the buyers of a car in the frame of the fair, prize that is sponsored by Fira of Mollerussa and the own display units of the sample. The draw will llevar in the weeks to come.

The public of the Fira Agricultural of Mollerusa visits his stánds
The public of the Fira Agricultural of Mollerusa visits his stánds
The president of the Deputation of Lleida, Joan Reñé, chaired the act of closure of the Fira of Mollerussa praising the contest like “exceptional and only organisation in Catalonia in this level”, to the time that cataloged of satisfactory the answer received in the Living room 'Foods of the territory and you'. The living room enabled by the Deputation of Lleida in this edition of the contest had 200 products of 98 municipalities of the demarcation of Lleida and llevar , in a space showcooking, until a total of 24 activities.
Joan Reñé, president of the Deputation of Lleida, chaired the act of closure of the Fira of Sant Josep
Joan Reñé, president of the Deputation of Lleida, chaired the act of closure of the Fira of Sant Josep.

Prizes to the innovation in the Fira Agricultural of Sant Josep of Mollerussa

Tallers Ribacar, of Equalised, went the winner in this edition of the announcement in the category of the Special Prize of Innovation, to the constructor/expositor of Agricultural Machinery and/or grazier of the Spanish State, endowed with 1.600 euros, and awarded by the Cabbage·legi d'Enginyers Industrials of Catalonia. Tallers Ribacar Attained the prize by a sembradora of seed direct with disk combined with adaptable grille to the outline of the terrain, articulated and with hydraulics control.

With regard to the Prize of Innovation in Agricultural Machinery, endowed with 1.100 euros, and awarded by the Cabbage·legi d'Enginyers Tècnics Industrials of Lleida, the winner was Tallers Gili 98, of Montgai, by a cisterna with the system Dosiscontrol.

Tallers Gili 98 received the Prize of Innovation in Agricultural Machinery by a cisterna with the system Dosiscontrol
Tallers Gili 98 received the Prize of Innovation in Agricultural Machinery by a cisterna with the system Dosiscontrol.
In the third category, the Prize of Innovation in Machinery or Agro-industrial Installations, endowed with 1.100 euros, and awarded by the Cabbage·legi d'Enginyers Tècnics Agrícoles i Perits Agrícoles of Catalonia, Demarcació of Lleida, the winning signature was Prefabricats Pujol of Mollerussa per a slat of concrete pretensado.

Technical days and 12ª Stock exchange Interpirenaica of Cereals

Simultaneously to the fair developed a wide program of technical days as well as other activities like the 12ª Stock exchange Interpirenaica of Cereals, meetings and assemblies of different professional schools and other communities. With regard to the formative sessions realised 14 days with subjects of maximum interest and actuality for the sector as they are the renewable energies, the agricultural mechanisation or the agroalimentación. Fórum Of debate and analysis, these conferences had a good influx of public, with a participation estimated of some 1.500 professionals.

The 12ª Stock exchange Interpirenaica of Cereals of Mollerussa had some 320 professionals of the sector, pertinent of Spain, France, Switzerland, Russia and Portugal. The meeting, valued especially for favouring the contracto director, gathers edition after edition the main agents of the sector, from manufacturers to importing, cerealistas, cooperative, loaderss, etc.

The city of Mollerussa and the region of which is main, with a big concentration of manufacturers of think in the zone and with an important number of integradoras of livestock, agro-industrial industries and producing zone of grain and lucerne, converts with this announcement in an appointment stood out for the sector cerealístico to European level.


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