
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Exafan: Presentación mundial de su nueva serie de reguladores 'Touch and control'
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Exafan: World-wide presentation of his new series of regulatory 'Touch and control'

Editorial Interempresas11/03/2013
Exafan, like company devoted to the service of the exploitations agropecuarias, realises with reason of FIMA Grazier the world-wide presentation of 'Titan', his new series of regulatory 'Touch and control', that allows of a graphic and simple way access to thousands of parameters of the farm. Besides, the Aragonese company exposes all his extensive range of products for the sector, headed by the new chimneys apilables for the extraction equipment equipment and entrance of air in the farm; the new comedero for birds 'Eos'; and a new dosificador electronic to have identified to the sow during all the productive cycle.
'Titan' Is the new series of regulatory whose presentation realises Exafafan with reason of FIMA Grazier. The power of always, accompanied of a greater simplicity of handle thanks to his tactile screen, what allows of a way grafica and simple access to thousands of parameters, easily interpretable. It treats of a system totally configurable and adaptable to the needs of each exploitation, with a port USB to export historical of data and configure the team. It offers the possibility of work in network, to control the regulators from a central computer, even remotamente, with the end to manage and consult the information from any place, protected always by several levels of passwords.

Exists also the possibility to purchase the configuration 'low cost' without tactile screen; ideal for installations of several rooms, which want to handle from an alone team or from a remote team (type tablet or Ipad).

The new regulatory 'Titan' allow to control remotamente any parameter of the farm
The new regulatory 'Titan' allow to control remotamente any parameter of the farm.
In the Aragonese appointment, Exafan also presents his new removable chimneys and apilables, designed to work so much in way extraction equipment equipment of air, as for the impulsión or entrance of air to the interior of the farm, directing the same to the zones required thanks to his diffuser. They have joined in a same product the two concepts of conical entrance with conical exit, achieving of this way aunar in a same product the ease of setting and optimisation of carry them, with the efficiency and performance of the system of ventilation.
New chimneys apilables and removable of Exafan
New chimneys apilables and removable of Exafan.

The new comedero for birds 'Eos' and a new dosificador alimentary electronic complete the offer

Eos Is the new and innovative comedero of birds for all type of birds, designed until the last detail to adapt perfectly to the needs of the animals during all his cycle of life. The main characteristic of this comedero is the bell, that is able to reduce to a large extent the open surface of the dish, avoiding so the chicks can access to the interior of the comedero; of this way the feeding remains clean and do not run the risk of entrapment. The adjust of the comedero in function of the growth of the animals does gradually through a control centralised that it is activated by the elevation of the line; the quantity of food diminishes linealmente with an innovative system of windows giratorias.
New comedero for birds 'Eos', able to reduce to a large extent the open surface of the dish
New comedero for birds 'Eos', able to reduce to a large extent the open surface of the dish.
With the systems of individual electronic feeding that exist in the actuality achieves a control of the feeding so that the corporal condition of the animals in the period of gestation confirmed was the ideal. In the periods of motherhood and insemination is where loses effectiveness to the hour to adjust the feeding in function of the particular needs of each mother, having to control manually the ration of the dosificadores alimentary. Exafan Has developed the dosificadores electronic to have identified to the sow during all the productive cycle of the same, and like this of a comfortable and precise way can control the quantity of food to dosificar from an only terminal, fine-tuning to the maximum with the end that the animals eat the ration stipulated by the veterinary and achieving of this way a perfect state of the animal during all his productive cycle, what redunda in a better corporal condition of the same.

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Exafan, S.A.U.

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