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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Case IH arranca el año con optimismo

Marry IH starts the year with optimism


11 February 2013

Saragossa, León and Córdoba were the cities chosen by Marry IH to celebrate during the month of January the first annual meetings with his network of dealers. Three symposiums, one by demarcation, in which the mark appreciated the positive result achieved in 2012 when reaching a quota of market of 7,1%; it did balance of the milestones attained and analysed the new challenges to which will have to face up. The director of Marry IH, Xavier Autonell, praised the effort, perseverancia and dedication of all the people that conform the team of the network Marry IH for surpassing the expectations of the past year. It showed proud of the professionalism of his network of dealers and by his behaviour and evolution during 2012. It remarked the consolidation of the mark in the third place of the market and his positioning like manufacturer of prestige chosen by the customers of all the world for offering technological innovations, solutions and agricultural services.

Also stood out that it Marry IH offers to the network of dealers tools very useful to work together and elevate the standards of the Network of Dealers. 'Quality and service to the customer are the keys', added. The pillar in which it supports the strategic plan of development of Marry IH is the program Network Excellence Marry IH. By this reason, concluded encouraging to the Network to continue working to achieve a consistent network, strong and professional to the service of the most demanding customers.

The meetings with the network of dealers also served like presentation of the new financial service CNH Main Europe, project created by the entities CNH Financial Services and BNP Paribas Lease Group, both experts in financials of agricultural equipment. Carlos Garrido, responsible of sales and marketing of CNH Main Europe, exposed the importance of the new project to the network with which pretends cover the needs of financials of the customers of Marry IH.

According to Carlos Garrido, “CNH Main Europe is more than a financial partner, is a service of financials specialised that from now Marry IH integrates in each one of his products”. It affirmed: “we Know his sector, fund his needs”.

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