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The company presents in Agroexpo varieties like Miami, Generoso, Inove or Radioso

The Technical Day of the Corn stands out the varieties and products of Syngenta for this crop

Redaccion Interempresas08/02/2013

8 February 2013

Coinciding with the celebration of the Fair Agroexpo, the company Syngenta has organised a technical day to analyse the main appearances agronómicos to take into account in the crop of the corn, as well as the global solutions that present in crop protection and varieties like Miami, Generoso, Inove and Radioso, very productive and perfectly adapted southeast Spanish.
The living room of the acts of the International Fair of the Peninsular Iberian Southwest, Agroexpo 2013, filled to assist to the technical day on the crop of the corn organised by Syngenta, that also had a stand in the fair that celebrated of the past 30 January to 2 February. The day began with a technical report of Eleuterio Málaga, specialist in corn of Syngenta, on the appearances that determine the final performance of the crop of the corn and the best practices that has to follow the agriculturalist.

In all the process of the crop exist four crucial points to ensure a good performance. In the first place it is vital the density of seed, that depends on the variety that choose, the date of seed, the cycle, his vigour of nascencia and the potential of the plot. Each variety has his density of seed optimum. Once that the plant has been cream (it is necessary to remember that it is not well encharcar the plots when the corn has 4-6 leaves), the second critical moment arrives in the definition of the crop, when the plant arrives to 8 leaves. In this moment the stress of any type affects to the learning of the mazorcas, by what the plant has to be properly irrigated, arrive to this moment in periods in which there is not an excessive heat and have a correct credit nitrogenous.

Eleuterio Málaga reviewed the key moments of the crop of the corn to ensure the maximum performance
Eleuterio Málaga reviewed the key moments of the crop of the corn to ensure the maximum performance.
The third key moment is the flowering, where the plant leaves to grow and mark the mazorcas, by what the control of plagues and illnesses that affect to the plant is very important. The last critical stadium is the filled of the grain in the mazorcas, that goes to determine by the genetics of the variety planted, the resistance to illnesses, the credited, the date of seed and the climatology. The size and quality of the mazorca final will say us if we have realised a good crop: a mazorca with straight rows, very formed, with grains until the tip and a high specific weight if we weigh 1.000 grains (that they surpass the 400 gr) is synonymous of a correct crop.

Solutions Syngenta for corn

In a so complex crop and difficult as it is the corn is very important to have advice and effective solutions to obtain the possible potential elder. In this sense, Syngenta has specific solutions so much in treatments as in varieties adapted to each zone. Like this, to level of treatments for corn has a wide catalogue of treatments for seeds (Cruiser 350 FS); insecticides of floor (Force 1.5G); Treatments foliares (Karate Zeon +); as well as herbicides so much for presiembra (Touchdown Premiun), as for preemergencia (Camix, Dual Gold or Primextra Gold) and postemergencia (Callisto, Elite Plus or Banvel D).

Regarding varieties of corn, Syngenta is having an important growth in the sureste of the Iberian peninsula thanks to varieties highly productive and that are answering very well to the conditions of this zone, one of the main producing of corn. Benito García, commercial manager of Syngenta in the zone, stood out four varieties that are working really well, supporting in essays of the company and in the experience of agriculturalists that have used the different varieties presented.

In the first place stood out the variety SY Generoso, a corn cycle 700 with high potential, with a plant of half height-high, good quality of grain (surpasses the 400 gr by 1.000 grains), tolerante to MRDV (virus of the enanismo rugoso of the corn), tolerante to Fusarium and a very good dried of grain ('dry down'). In the essays realised, Generoso has obtained big results, with an average of 14.200 kilos to 14% of humidity.

The living room of acts of Agroexpo filled entirely for the day organised by Syngenta
The living room of acts of Agroexpo filled entirely for the day organised by Syngenta.
Another variety stood out is SY Inove, that is a cycle 700 long, with high potential in seed early and in good conditions, adapted to stress by temperatures, tolerante to MRDV, with more than 400 gr by 1.000 grains of corn, excellent 'dry down', very stable in performances in distinct zones and has aptitudes for ensilado. In the essays also surpasses to other varieties in every aspect and takes out an average of 14.450 kg/has to 14% of humidity.

The third variety presented was SY Radioso that it is a cycle 700 for all type of terrain with high potential of performance and low humidity. It presents a fantastic appearance in field, high tolerance to MRDV, very stable in production in all the zones and quality of grain with more than 400 gr by 1.000 grains. In the essays has given an average of 14.040 kg to 14% of humidity. Although, in the essays realised by Tepro, company of Agricultural Quality consultancy referent in the zone, Radioso was the most productive variety with at all less than 22-461 kg/has to 14% of humidity.

Finally spoke of SY Miami, the variety presented the previous year in this same fair and that is having excellent results in field. Miami is a cycle 700 short todoterreno and very very adapted to Extremadura, giving production with very low humidity, very stable in performances, low plant with very good visual appearance, good 'stay green' and excellent 'dry down'. In the essays has stood out his low humidity, with an average of 16,8% in front of 20,2% of the competition and with some productions around the 15.600 kg/has to 14% of humidity.

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Syngenta España, S.A.U.

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