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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Case IH ofrece un mayor impulso al rendimiento del empacado con las empacadoras gigantes LB4

Marry IH offers a greater impulse to the performance of the empacado with the balers giant LB4


11 December 2012

Marry IH presents the new series of balers square giant that incorporates numerous innovative characteristics to offer a greater capacity of production that the models predecessors. A rediseño radical, a considerable increase in the efficiency and numerous innovations characterise to the new generation of big balers square of the series LB4.

The new range –LB324 (dimensions of bale 80x70 cm), 334 LB (dimensions of bale 80x90 cm), 424 LB (120x70 cm) and LB 434 (120x90 cm)– debuted worldwide in the 'Marry IH European Field Day' around the middle of August, celebrated in the plains of Magdeburgo (Germany). In the new series LB4 practically all the key points have been reviewed or rediseñados, including a central frame extremely resistant, a new pick-up, and a system of new rotor for an efficient entrance of the crop and transfer to the camera of empacado.

The new series LB4 sample an entirely new design. For the first time they have used in the synthetic material outside compound and extremely resistant. In addition to having a line of design much lighter, avoids the entrance of dust to the interior of the compartments. In the frontal part of the body of the machine has of an opening that allows the easy access for the maintenance of the mechanisms. Many of the key innovations of the balers of LB4 can find in the new pick-up, that now has a width of work of until 2,40 m. A roller cortavientos in his top, available in a version of rake or roller and manually adjustable so that it coincide with the conditions of crop, works with a central roller to ensure the transfer of material fast and free of losses, even with material of bulky harvest. The floating pneumatics wheels of the pick-up can adjust for different conditions of work without need of tools.

To the hour to design the system of émbolo, the engineers of Marry IH centred in promoting the flow of the crop and the use of new materials, achieving an up to date design that has resulted in a flow of crop faster inside the empacadora and optimising the transfer from the camera of pre-compressesion and improving eficientemente the big capacity of recolección. The speed of the émbolo has increased to 48 hits by minute to provide a capacity of production higher. The result is an increase in the performance with regard to previous models.

Besides, the monitor AFS supervises continuously and sample all the functions of the empacadora, including the anudadores. Like novelty in the models LB4 there is a visual indication of steering to help to the operators to collect bands very small or irregular of straw, and like this guarantee uniform and robust bales even in difficult conditions. In the monitor AFS Pro 700 can visualise images of several cameras of video simultaneously. The GPS logger is available like an option for recopilar the humidity of the bales, and like this together with the scale can use to document the information of the bale to the complete. The data can export to a disk USB.

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