
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Syngenta presenta en Fruit Attraction una solución integrada para alargar la vida útil de los frutales de hueso
The company exhibited also one of his last successes, the pepper snack without seeds Angello

Syngenta Presents in Fruit Attraction an integrated cheese cheese solution to lengthen the useful life of the frutales of bone

Editorial Interempresas29/11/2012
Syngenta participated a year more in the international fair Fruit Attraction, in an edition that has surpassed all the expectations of professional visitors and presence of companies. In this International evento, Syngenta has followed betting by his strategy to offer integrated cheese cheese solutions to the agriculturalist and novelties of face to the final consumer.
The stand of Syngenta in the pavilion 3 gathered to cientos of customers and professional visitors that could know the novelties of the company for the segment of fruit and vegetables. One of the main acts developed during the fair was the presentation beside Tecnidex, partner of Syngenta for poscosecha, of an integrated cheese cheese solution to lengthen the useful life of the fruit of bone in all the process of commercialisation, following the new strategy of the company. According to Rui Correia, responsible of Integrated cheese cheese Solutions for Special Crops of Syngenta, proposes a program for the field designed with products of vegetal health like Atemi, Chorus and Switch and, for the conservation poscosecha, with the new Scholar, that has allowed the conservation of the fruit of bone during more time, for his export to Europe and to other continents, minimising the waste.

In this sense, this integrated cheese cheese solution has been testing during this last campaign successfully, since the products treated with this program have remained underneath of the half of the LMRs maximum authorised by EU. Scholar Has had an exceptional permission of 120 days in Spain and expects that it can be authorised for the next campaign. By part of Tecnidex, Valentín Turegano, director of Businesses, affirmed that it has realised a good work in 2012 with distinct varieties of fruit of bone, have confirmed the doses and ranks for the distinct systems of application and the expectation for 2013 is to obtain a new exceptional permission and increase the number of producers that use this integrated cheese cheese solution.

Presentation, beside Tecnidex...
Presentation, beside Tecnidex, of an integrated cheese cheese solution to lengthen the useful life of the fruit of bone in all the process of commercialisation.
Besides, they presented innovative products for the sector hortofrutícola, in the line of the already consolidated tomato Kumato, like the new peppers without seeds Angello, the first pepper snack without sweet extra seed of the market (Innovation Awards Fruit Logistica 2012).

Kumato Is one of the marks of cool product more recognised by the consumers. The recognition of the quality of the fruit of Kumato comes guaranteeed by a strict control from the production, packaging and transport as well as commercialisation. The collaboration with the producers of tomato Kumato bases in the manufacturing of protocols of performance that help us to obtain a product with a high value organoléptico and that fulfils the requests of the chain of value.

The visitors to the stand of Syngenta also could taste the fruit of the variety of tomato Angelle. Along the last 3 years Angelle has turned into the reference regarding flavour for the tomato snack: it is a product with a high content in sugar and organic acids, which joined to his texture and size confers him an excellent flavour and does it ideal for the consumption in fresco like any piece of fruit.

Stand Of Syngenta in Fruit Attraction 2012
Stand Of Syngenta in Fruit Attraction 2012.
Syngenta Was present a year more like referent in the market of pepper presenting novelties in red California adapted to the cycle of Almería like Benecid, a variety that adapts perfectly to the increase in the demand of calibrate them G for export, being the variety that presents greater percentage and uniformity of east calibrate during all the cycle. Syngenta Also present Galena like ultima introduction in yellow California for Almería, that characterises by his excellent learning of fruit during all the cycle of autumn and high conservation poscosecha.

Stand out the presentation of his last global innovation rewarded in Fruit Logistica with the ‘Innovation Awards 2012' and that is changing the market of pepper from the production until the consumption, as it is the concept Angello. This pepper, produced in Almeria and available all the year, is designed so that the consumer enjoy in a snack of the flavour crujiente without seeds of a pepper extradulce in a lot of daily situations, offering a big sensory experience and with the hygiene of an upper and consistent quality thanks to the development and implementation of the programs of handle integral of crops developed by the technical team of Syngenta, that are being applied to the crops of Angello to obtain a sustainable production centred in the consumer.

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Syngenta España, S.A.U.

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