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They presented varieties like Angelle, Bubu or Dumas, his new portaintertos and the nematicida Nemathorin 150 EC

Syngenta Presents in a day of field in the Maresme (Barcelona) his novelties in tomato

Editorial Interempresas20/11/2012
Near of 70 big producers of tomato of the zone of the Ebro, Valencian and Balearic Community could know at first hand the integrated cheese cheese solutions that Syngenta offers in this crop. They presented from the vegetal material more advanced with varieties of very high quality like Angelle, Bubu, Dumas, Arawak, Tomawak, etc., going through programs for handle integrated cheese cheese of the crop, until arriving to efficient agricultural practices as it is the use of portainjertos.
The new strategy of Syngenta to achieve a sustainable intensive agriculture goes through to offer integrated cheese cheese solutions for each crop: varieties of very high quality that answer to the needs of the agriculturalists and to the demands of the consumers, a wide offer of vegetal health and auxiliary fauna to be able to develop programs of handle integrated cheese cheese of the crop and all a series of portaijertos that adapt to the different varieties and needs of the agriculturalist. The tomato is a clear example of this line of work and Syngenta has organised the Day of the Tomato of the Maresme, in the finca Miquel Ribas in Vilassar of Sea (Barcelona), to present his novelties in this crop. Near of 70 producers of tomato of Aragon, Balearic, Catalonia and Valencian Community could know in field and through diverse conferences the novelties of the company.
Visit of field to the greenhouses of tomato with varieties of Syngenta
Visit of field to the greenhouses of tomato with varieties of Syngenta.
In the first place, they visited the greenhouses of the finca where Rafael Saltworks, director of the Portfolio of Tomato, explained the different novelties regarding varieties, beginning by Angelle, a variety that in this moment exports to the main European markets and that in the last three years has turned into reference regarding flavour for the tomato snack: it is a product with a high content in sugar and organic acids, which joined to his texture and jugosidad confers him an excellent flavour and does it ideal for the consumption in fresco like any piece of fruit. Angelle Is a clear example of the philosophy of Syngenta to contribute value added to the chain agroalimentaria: a product of very high quality, for a niche of demanding market and that contributes profitability to the agriculturalist.

Another novelty stood out to contribute value to the producers is Dumas, a tomato type Marmande of a lot of quality for recolección in pintón and with intermediate resistance to the virus TYLCV. In the invernadero could see a very beautiful fruit, chato, with a fantastic colour and that holds a lot in red, in addition to offering a sweet flavour and a texture crujiente. Dumas is leader in Almería and is a safe option of face to the crops of spring. Also for recolección in pintón presented the variety Bubu, a type Beefsteak resistant to the virus of the spoon, with a dark green colour spectacular, of good calibrate, very firm and crujiente when eating and with an excellent flavour.

Angelle Is an example of product that gives value to all the chain agroalimentaria
Angelle Is an example of product that gives value to all the chain agroalimentaria.
Finally, they showed two varieties of tomato heart of buey very similar between himself and that is having a lot of success, mainly in markets like the Italian. They are tomatoes of a lot of quality and flavour, with ones calibrate between G and GG and that give very good red colour in maturity, in addition to offering an excellent poscosecha.

New Nemathorin 150 EC

The strength of Syngenta no only roots in offering the best vegetal material with varieties of reference, but the can design integrated cheese cheese solutions for each crop. Like this, Antonio Vera, Field Expert of Mediterranean North, presented in field the different strategies of integrated cheese cheese production to struggle against the different plagues that affect to the tomato (White Fly, Pulgón, Travel, Minador, Tuta Absolute, etc.). Syngenta Has all a series of products of auxiliary fauna Bioline, as 'Nesidiocoris Tenuis' or 'Macrolophus Caliginosus', that in loose controlled in greenhouses are being very effective against some of the main plagues of the tomato, in addition to products for the monitory of Travel like Thripline or Hypoline M, etc. The biological fight joins to the wide and known offer of products of vegetal health for tomato of Syngenta (Actara, Affirm, Aphox, Cost, Plenum, Vertimec, Ortiva, Revus, etc.), with which can design effective strategies, sustainable and that fulfil with the most strict requirements of the big distribution.

In this sense, in the day presented the new nematicida Nemathorin 150 EC, that already has been registered in Spain for tomato and eggplant in invernadero, and that it is a very effective solution to warn and cure the apparition of nemátodos in the roots of the crop. Nemathorin 150 EC is a nematicida to base of Fostiazato like concentrated emulsionable to 15%, that applies in pre-transplante in irrigation located to 10 litres by hectare. It presents a double preventive action-curativa, offering an excellent protection of the crop, being respectful with the useful auxiliary fauna and not leaving waste in the harvest, showing in all the better essays resulted that the current offer of this type of products.

The quality is the aim in the development of new varieties
The quality is the aim in the development of new varieties.
Inside this concept of integrated cheese cheese solutions for tomato, it is necessary recalcar that the cultural practices also are important and the use of portainjertos is one of which more can help to the crops of tomato, already was in prevention of illnesses, fight against the plagues and improvement of the production and quality of the crops. In this sense, presented two new portainjertos that adapt to the different needs of the producers: Armstrong, a portainjerto that offers germination and vigour with behaviour germinativo, and Arnold, that offers germination and vigour with good balance for the plant.

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Syngenta España, S.A.U.

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