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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Case IH difunde el 'Rojo' en su convención internacional de concesionarios en Linz (Austria)

Marry IH spreads the 'Red' in his international convention of dealers in Linz (Austria)


15 November 2012

The days 30 and 31 October celebrated in the Centre of Design of Linz the International Convention of Dealers Marry IH. Under the slogan 'Spread the Red', more than 1.200 people of dealers of all Europe enjoyed of some fantastic days in which they exposed the milestones achieved from the 2006 to date, as well as the strategies and aims of face to the 2015. Andreas Klauser, president CEO Marry IH, affirmed that “it is convinced that the significant development that cross in Europe measures by equal regarding the already experienced growth in EE UU”. And it continued: “Have the innovative products that establish like standards in the sector, supported by employees motivated and dealers that offer an excellent service. The European Network of Dealers is vital to help to the agriculturalists to reach the success”.

Matthew Foster, European vice-president Marry IH, stood out that the clear aim of Marry IH in Europe is to follow contributing and continue with the development of market reached during these years. “Marry IH is known for being a dynamic mark to the service of the needs of the customer. We ask to our customers what they really need and the answers provided us clearly the following: reliability, high performance, economic efficiency, and solid backrest with fast answer in supply of pieces of spare and solutions of service”, manifested.

Xavier Autonell, director of Marry IH in Spain, during his intervention in the European International Convention of Dealers...
Xavier Autonell, director of Marry IH in Spain, during his intervention in the European International Convention of Dealers.
Xavier Autonell, director of Marry IH in Spain, took part in the European International Convention of Dealers, like example of European market, when achieving increase the quota of market of significant form during all these years more than 50% (a 6.7 % in the actuality). It commented that “we have worked together very hard, but on the way correct. Marry IH is a strong mark, professional and of high quality for which demand more”. And it continued: “Always we are near of the network of dealers, forming them and developing his level of knowledge of the product with the end that can explain of form more efficient the big profits of Marry IH to the most professional customer”. For this, during these last years have realised numerous demonstrations of product, showing the last technology and the competitive advantages that offer , as for example, the one of the gifted Cougar of the excellent continuous transmission CVX, of easy handle and with all the profits and the saving of fuel that provides the engine FTP. Besides also available with ABS that increases the hygiene and the control of the tractor.

Xavier is convinced that now it Marry IH in Spain finds on the way correct to follow conquering the market, because the customers like this endorse it. “Now, –it affirms–, we can spread the reputation that have with the tractors of segment of high power to the smallest tractors, more conventional. With the family Farmall have a big potential for the agriculturalists. Tractors that offer exactly what they wish: confort and easy handle. Three series, Farmall To, a simple tractor, robust; Farmall C, tractor of low profile, ideal for works in farm and the Farmall Or, perfect with shovel. The C and Or offer the best cabin of his class with a glorious visibility. Through the ceiling can see work the shovel. As top of the series situates the Farmall Or Pro, exclusive new model manufactured in Austria that offers strength and an ideal design to work with shovel and mixed tasks of plough. Perfecto for works in high mountain".

The next day, the Network of Dealers Marry IH had the opportunity to visit the Factory in St.Valentin, the new 'Experience Center' for visitors, as well as a very didactic explanation of the novelties of product with the last technology Marry IH in the circuit of proofs. They visited the distinct zones of work (assembling of cabins, setting of wheels, painting, continuous transmission CVX (pioneer in the market). It fits to stand out the specific zone of Quality, in which engineers of the plant implant the rigorous processes (World Class Manufacturing, a system of gestión of quality originariamente developed for the industry of the car). They checked with satisfaction the full-time to each one of the units that reviews , and that controls until the last detail.

The new 'Experience Center' for visitors left estupefactos to the presents with his 1.200 m2 of capacity for groups of more than 200 people, as well as his elegant audiovisual design and of sound. The European central headquarters of Marry IH in St. Valentin expects to increase the number of visitors for the year 2013 until the 12.000 people, what would represent more than the double that in the actuality.

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