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Bacosoft, EuroVin and Isagri are some of the a lot of examples that find today of skilled software for cellars

A cellar computerised is a competitive cellar

David Pozo29/10/2012
Use the it in a cellar no longer is something baladí. It has remained showed that manage by means of a software each step of what sucede in an installation vitivinícola, from the vineyard until the own bottle, allows that an employer can save important quantities so much of time as of money. Some programs that here review have specialised in cellars, and go updating continuously with the experience that contribute the own customers.
Photo: Philip Gregory
Photo: Philip Gregory.

Baco-Lex, or how facilitate the relation cellar-Administration

The company Bacosoft has developed the first application for cellars in surroundings web, which involves that it is accessible from any device that have connection to Internet using a browser, already was a PC, a mobile telephone or a tablet. Can access and work from any place and anytime.

The software Baco-Lex this oriented to facilitate to the cellars the relations with the Administration, is thus that facilitates the books of agriculture, for all the Autonomous Communities, the statements to Inland revenue models 380, 553, 554 and 555, as well as the books of II.EE. (Customs) for those CC AA that require it. Also it facilitates the trazabilidad of wines and the cumplimentación of the And.M.C.S.. The software has been designed so that it was very easy to use and with an entrance of minimum data obtain the information that sue the different administrations.

Because of the frequent change in the normative is necessary that the software keep constantly up to date. Thus it offers like service of monthly payment (SaaS). The cellar pays by the use of the software and despreocupa to buy, install and keep the system locally.

The application is being used from does time and at present this rondando the hundred of users, between which can find from a small cellar to an important business group with cellars in different zones.

Eurovin, two decades to the service of the cellars

In few months will fulfil 20 years of the start of the development of EuroVin, of Visual Software. It was in the first months of 1993 when EuroVin initiated his career like an ambitious project that, unlike the partial solutions and desligadas existent in that moment, pretended to give coverage and solution to all the areas of a cellar.

From his start EuroVin designed to be able to give answer to the needs of trazabilidad that, far to be compulsory by law in those years, were a value added of big importance for the enólogos. From his first installation in a cellar, in the year 1994, Eurovin already resolved all the obligations registrales that imposed the European directives –from here the notation 'euro' in the name of the software– and allowed to the cellars use an only ERP that agglutinated the necessary information for the distinct departments and areas of the cellars.

During these 20 years of career, EuroVin has enriched with numerous modules, some developed to application of the own customers, another fruit of the new technological possibilities and of the advance of the tools of software, and others like consequence of changes and advances promoted by the own administration, as it is the case of the module EMCS.

With installations in the practical whole of denominations of Spanish origin, and a pujante presence in Sudamérica, the human team of Visual Software possesses a complete knowledge of the problematic concrete of the sector. Use an alone program to cover from the gestión of the fincas until the sale of the wine allows to the cellars have at all times of all the necessary information, totally integrated cheese cheese, facilitating the correct taking of decisions, and avoiding duplicities of imputación, and in possible consequence errors.

In addition to fulfilling with the exigencias of the European regulation 178/2002, EuroVin contributes the trazabilidad documentary demanded by the strict norms of homologation ISO, and allows to apply without effort systems APPCC of control and carry to the company did a system of gestión of the quality, which allows to the cellars that use it receive the corresponding certification. EuroVin Is composed by a series of modules that can be purchased to measure of the needs and possibilities of each cellar. Thanks to this modularidad, and to his price of prices climbing, EuroVin is working in all type of cellars, from small elaboradores familiar, until big companies with important quotas of national and international market.

Gestión of fincas, vintage and statements of harvest and production, manufacturing and practical enológicas, gestión of barricas, obtaining of books and official models, EMCS, analytical evolution of stocks, GIS, circuits of buying and sellings, e-invoice, e-commerce, financial gestión, CRM, gestión of delegations, TPV, picture of control and documentary agent, are some of the main modules of EuroVin.

Treats of an ERP alive and in constant evolution, conectable to scales, refractómetros, digital analysers and chains automated of bottled and labeling, all this complemented with the family of solutions 'EuroVin Mobile' that allows to endow by force of sales, to the warehouse or to the managers of the field, of tools of mobility totally integrated cheese cheese in EuroVin.

Isagri Specialises in the cellar thanks to his únión with Soft Rioja

In the actuality, Isagri Spain contributes computer solutions to more than 3.000 exploitations and agricultural companies, vitivinícolas or graziers. His fusion in 2010 with the company Soft Rioja, with long experience in the computerisation of cellars, has strengthened his position, explaining in the actuality with more than 300 customers of the sector vitivinícola. The common aim was can offer the best range of software to answer to the exigencias increasingly important of the sector: control of the trazabilidad, official statements, control of the quality, gestión of the commercialisation, optimisation of the costs, etc., taking into account the constant evolution of the it and the needs of the sector.

Likewise fixed the aim to offer a value added as it is the quality of the service offered (technical support, updates, learning, advice and assistance of the customers) thanks to a wide staff of technicians with local implantation in all the national territory, looking for the vicinity with the customers and the fast solution of any incidence.

Some of the main characteristics of the solutions of Isagri-Soft Rioja are his easy and fast set up, the simple and intuitive use and the big reliability, in addition to his continuous improvement, extension and adaptation to the needs of the companies vinícolas. This is possible for treating of programs specifically developed for cellars and to an experience of more than 25 years in the sector.

The integrated cheese cheese gestión that offers Isagri-Soft Rioja is composed by modules that allow that each cellar adapt the installation to his needs: viñedos, vintage, cellar, commercial gestión, TPV, special taxles, books of register and accounting, in addition to other specific modules for cooperatives. His total integration with any version of Windows, possibilities of communication and compatibility of the database do of these programs a safe investment and of future.

Isagri Will go back to be present in Enomaq
Isagri Will go back to be present in Enomaq.
The last incorporations of the programs centre in the Books of Register and the Books of Customs (for the CC.AA. That they request them), that are having big acceptance between the customers for simplifying the introduction and presentation of these statements. Also it has adapted the module of Special Taxles, that already included from 2011 the utilisation of the system EMCS, to the new rule for the sendings to national territory, that will go in in force on 1 January 2013.

Isagri Will be present with stand own in the next edition of Enomaq, in Saragossa of the 12 to 15 February 2013, where will present his novelties, allowing them besides tighten the communication with the customers that attend to this fair.

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Isagri, S.L.

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