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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Case IH, cerca de sus clientes más exigentes en Agroglobal 2012

Marry IH, near of his more demanding customers in Agroglobal 2012


16 October 2012

The days 5 and 6 September, Marry IH exposed all his range of products in the Portuguese fair Agroglobal 2012 thanks to Entreposto Machines and his network of dealers. According to the organisation were 15.000 the visitors that visited the 4.000 hectares of exhibition and the 120 of zone demonstration in field. For Xavier Autonell, director of Marry IH in Spain and Portugal, that displaced personally, “beyond all doubt, Entreposto Machines offered to the visitors a stand elegant and professional in which they exposed all the range of tractors Marry IH. Of this way remained palpable the capacity of Marry IH to the hour to offer solutions to the distinct types of exploitation, with tractors from 55 CV for small farms until the 600 CV for fincas extensive”.
In the area devoted to the demonstrations, the assistants could enjoy at first hand of the works of seed, pulverización and harvest with all the high range of product Marry IH, with 7 tractors: the Magnum of 290 CV, the Cougar CVX 200 of continuous transmission, the Cougar 165 and automatic transmission, the Maxxum Multicontroler 125 and 140 CV, the JXU 115, the Maxxum 140 X-Line, as well as the tractor trucks specialist: Quantum N95.

Likewise, the technical and commercial team of Entreposto Machines realised in situ a formidable presentation of the cosechadora Axial Flow 8120 of Marry IH instrumented with a cabezal of corn to satisfy the needs of the customers lusos more demanding. In this edition, to the demonstrations of field added interesting seminars that had the participation of personalities of prime importance of the sector of the economy and Portuguese agriculture.

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