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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El mundo rural, el más afectado por los recortes, según UPA

The rural world, the most affected by the cuts, according to UPA


9 October 2012

Of face to the year 2013, the Ministry of Agriculture, Feeding and Environingingment will see reduced his budget in a 25,4 % , that is to say, 1.680,15 million euros regarding the previous exercise. The first reactions already have produced , especially by part of the agricultural organisations. To the margin of this figure, already of by himself worrisome, in opinion of the Union of Small Agriculturalists and Graziers (UPA), the rural world assist to the dismantlement of numerous politics that have conformed the system agroalimentario during the last 30 years. The agriculturalists and graziers, to which affect especially the cuts in social cost –education, health, social services, etc.– receive a new mazazo when knowing the supresión in the practice of a lot of measures that helped to keep, to date, the  fabric agroganadero in Spain.

After analysing the project of General Budgets of the State for 2013, presented the past Saturday by the government, the technical services of the Union of Small Agriculturalists and Graziers (UPA) describe the figures of desalentadoras. “Although agriculturalists and graziers are expert in optimising the available resources, the rural world is very fragile and has, by definition, greater difficulties, by what the brutal cuts leave us in a very committed situation”, affirm from UPA.

To such effect, the Union of Small Agriculturalists and Graziers analyses, concept by concept, the cuts and his effects:

-One of the most affected games is the one of agricultural insurance. To the cuts in this matter applied by the Autonomous Communities adds now this tremendo cut, of a fifth part (-46,95 million euros, that is to say the -19,08%) of the State Entity of Agricultural insurance (ENESA). In consequence, the government will have less capacity of reaction and planning, so that agriculturalists and graziers will be more exposed to the inclemencias of the time and to the sanitary ware crises.

-Another of the most significant games, the one of rural development, will suffer a global descent of 33,7%, until 1.007,76 millions; the program of sustainable rural development, by his part, will do it in a 30,9 %, until the 20,27 millions, when in the year 2011 had 200 million euros. Also it reduces the cofinanciación of the Ministry of Agriculture in the measures of the Plans of Rural Development (PDR), what will suppose a loss of community bottoms to the rural development. The rural world in his group, that thanks to these political had experienced in the last years an unprecedented modernisation will see braked his development. This cut will generate unemployment in the rural zones.

-Besides, the helps to the modernisation of exploitations and to the installation of young agriculturalists reduce more than 50% (-4,6 million euros) with regard to the year 2012. One of his consequences, will be the increase of the degree of populational aging, one of the main problems of the field in our country.

-The destined game to the modernisation of the regadíos reduces 10,82%, almost 30% less than in the year 2011. In consequence, the modernisation of the crops of regadío in Spain is fundamental, taking into account that it reduces the consumption of water and electricity, improving his efficiency.

Cuts in livestock

From UPA warn that the livestock, affected by a very grave crisis of costs of production and prices of his products sunk in origin, will see like many of the games that affect him more directly will collapse in the next exercise.

For example, the destined game to boost the asociacionismo for the sanitary ware defence grazier falls 99,97%, what will suppose his disappearance to the practice. The games of improvement of the quality and the trazabilidad or the national premium to the cows nodrizas collapse near of 70%, regarding the past year. The National Plan of By-products, endowed with 4 million euros in the year 2011, disappears also this year. The plans of ordination and competitiveness in livestock fall also 44,61%.

Of the same way, the game of promotion of the selection and diffusion of improves it grazier descends of the 15,4 millions that had in the year 2011 to 3 millions in the next exercise. The game of control and eradication of animal illnesses, an especially delicate subject, has fallen also 45% in the last two years. To such effect, and according to UPA, the livestock Spanish peligra seriously. The organisation alerts that it will accelerate the process of closing of exploitations and will increase the unemployment in the sector. Spain will be more dependent of the outside to satisfy his consumption of products graziers (meat, milk, eggs…) and the prices will be more unstable.

Besides, from the organisation surprise on the disappearance of the helps to the new technologies and rationalisation of the means of production, oriented to the modernisation of the park of machinery, that in the year 2011 had 4,2 million euros and disappears next year. Like this then , it foresees that the park of machinery of the Spanish agriculturalists will age even more. The tractors, sowing machines, cosechadoras… will be more contaminantes and less efficient,according to UPA.

The cuts in agriculture neither remain backwards, and for example the game of prevention against plagues disappears of the budgets, whereas the fight against vegetal illnesses retreats 35%.

The part of the budget allocated to solve one of the main problems of the sector in the chain agroalimentaria, that is not another that his atomisation, also disappears in the practice, until 95,74% less the game of 'promotion of the asociacionismo', and 47,42% the one of 'improvement of the organisation of the production and resorting of the productive sectors'.

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