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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Durán Maq. Agrícola organiza con éxito la demostración de la gama de laboreo y siembra de Pöttinger
More than 600 assistants concentrate in a finca burgalesa to check on the terrain the last novelties of the Austrian mark

Durán Maq. Agricultural organises successfully the demonstration of the range of laboreo and seeds of Pöttinger

Editorial Interempresas02/10/2012
A finca of 100 hectares of the region of The Bureba (Briviesca, Boroughs) turned into the stage, the past 20 September, of a demonstration in field of the range of laboreo and seeds of Pöttinger, organised by Durán Agricultural Machinery –the importing company in scoop of the Austrian mark for Spain–, and in which they collaborated the distributor for the province of Boroughs, Agricultural Machinery de la Fuente, and the signature New Holland.
From first hour of the morning, the terrain yielded by Israel Hermosilla turned into an anteater of distributors, customers and agriculturalists of all Spain whose aim was to know in first person the operation of the products of Pöttinger.

To the 9.30 hours, the machines stuck in the tractors yielded by New Holland disappeared of first row for semiocultarse behind a hill. The show was about to to begin. In the meantime, the finca went filling of people that expected the beginning of the demonstration while it observed the characteristics of several aperos exposed in situ: the rotary presses terracing Lion 5000, the fast terracings Terradisc 3000 and the new 3001, the plough Servo 445 NP and the sembradora pneumatics Optisem.

The more than 600 assistants that concentrated there had occasion to see in direct the operation of the following machines:

The new fast terracing Terradisc 3501

The fast terracing Terradisc is the specialist of the minimum laboreo. Pöttinger Has updated this machine all terrain with the series 1001, of 3, 3,5 and 4 metres of work. The most important novelty is the new system of double arm Twin-Arm composed by two concave disks, two arms designed to transmit all the strength to the floor and an alone support wider that provides greater stability. The greater space between the disks and the arms avoids atascamientos when there are a lot of rests of harvest or stones, and the perfect combination between the angle of entrance in the earth and the angle of setting ensures a penetration of the perfect terrain and a mix homogénea in all the width of work.

This series offers 50% more than useful life of the disks thanks to the increase of 4 to 5 mm of thickness and to the increase of diameter until 580 mm. The disks go mounted on threads of double track sealed with a retain laberíntico and protected by one covers metallic.

The depth of work adjusts using a hydraulics control of the tractor. The adjust precise realises by means of a series of pletinas. The external disks are adjustable in height and fold for the road transport.

The fast terracing Terradisc 6000 T

The big clear to the floor –80 cm–, that avoids possible atascos by rests of harvest, the chassis of big resistance realised in steel of fine grain, the 6 metres of work, the 48 toothed disks of 510 mm, the angle of attack regulable and the train of transport with wide wheels and hydraulics brake conform the most stood out characteristics of the fast terracing dragged Terradisc T.

Each arm carries-disk goes mounted on 4 swearwords of rubber. To his time, the disks go mounted on threads of double track sealed with a retain laberíntico and protected by one covers metallic. When instrumenting the train of transport, this terracing does not need so much power like the equivalent model suspended. Besides, the tractor suffers a lot lower effort in the elevador rear and the road transport realises of a more comfortable form and safe.

General sight of all the machines presented
General sight of all the machines presented.

The cultivador Synkro 3030

The cultivador Synkro is the classical tool of the agriculture of conservation: the mix of the rests of harvest in the surface increases the fertility of the earth and protects it against the erosion.

The Synkro 3030, with a width of work of 3 metres and three rows of arms, is the apero ideal for the minimum laboreo. It has 11 willing arms in three rows to a distance of 28 cm and his construction is robust thanks to the tubular chassis manufactured with an alloy of special steel. The form of the grilles and the big clear to the floor avoid atascamientos during the work, even with big quantity of rests of harvest. The depth regulates easily to both sides in the leading part and the rear disks adjust automatically at the same time to level the terrain. The roller of double cage is ideal by his effect compactador. Thanks to all this, give the optimum conditions for the germination of the seed.

The new plough Servo 6.50

Pöttinger Offers a complete range of ploughs Servo, from the model suspended of two reversible bodies until the semisuspendido of 9 bodies, that stand out by the perfect adaptation to any tractor for a greater performance.

His construction in steel of fine grain tempered of high resistance and main frame of an alone piece ensure a big stability and an ideal weight. The system of adjust Servomatic does that the handle was easy and fast. It treats of an only system whereby the adjust of the width of the first body and of the point of shot adjusts of an independent form one of the another.

The new Servo 6.50 is a plough designed for conditions very hard, thought for tractors of until 360 CV and available in 6, 7, 8 and 9 bodies. The main frame is of 180 x 180 mm and the distance between bodies is of 102 cm. Thanks to the system Traction Control, the distribution of the weight between the plough and the tractor is continuous. With this achieves a lower skating of the tractor and a lower consumption. It possesses the system of hygiene non-stop and continuous variable hack Plus for widths of work from 25 to 54 cm.

This plough instruments the body of plates or throw 35WSS, that is extremely versatile, avoids that the earth hit to the vertedera, offers lower resistance to the shot and, therefore, lower consumption. The cabezal of stick characterises by the angle of twist 105 degrees, total twist even with tractors of until 3 m of width and line of shot near of the centre of the rear axis.

The combination of rotary presses terracing Lion 3002 with the sembradora Vitasem 302 ADD

The combination of rotary presses terracing and sembradora conforms the ideal team for after ploughing. The Lion 3002 is a terracing of the series reinforced for tractors of until 260 CV. The cabezal reinforced, the axles of the rotor of 60 mm of diameter, the greater distance between the threads of double track, the sealed laberíntico and the blades of 18 mm of thickness are his more stood out characteristics. The blades in two halves are of fast change and ensure by means of a sheet and two pasadores. The blades with angle break the earth from below, what does that the finest earth find where deposits the seed.

Mounted on this terracing finds the sembradora mechanical of double disk Vitasem 302 ADD, that has of 24 exits to 12,5 cm of distance between yes, a hopper of 1.000 litres and a width of work of 3 metres, what guarantees a big performance because of the few stops that it is necessary to realise to go back to fill the hopper. Between the advantages of the new generation of sowing machines mechanical find the only system of distribution for normal and fine seed, being able to happen of one to another of way very simple, and the exits with form of funnel –situated in the centre of the hopper– to facilitate the total casting of the same. Can seed minimum quantities of 0,7 kg/has, being the infinitely adjustable variator, by what is easy to calibrate the quantity of seed until the 400 kg/has. The new computer COMPASS of series includes calibrated electronic. This machine of setting on terracing keeps the centre of gravity very near of the tractor, and the hopper and train of seeds go situated on of the roller, what increases the effect of compactación.

The Vitasem 302 ADD instruments the impressesive train of seeds of double disk DualDisc, whose characteristic are: disks of 350 mm of diameter, wheels compactors of 330 mm, distance between disks of seeds 12,5 cm, threads of the disk without maintenance, pressesure of each disk of 50 kg, same length of all the arms of seeds to achieve a uniform pressesure, adjust centralised of the pressesure of the train of seed and adjust of the depth of seeds in both sides.

Sembradora Of minimum laboreo Terrasem C6

The sembradora of minimum laboreo Terrasem is the fuselage insignia of the range of sowing machines Pöttinger. It is available for 3, 4, 6 and 8 metres of work. The Terrasem C6 –for a width of work of 6 m– can work directly on the stubble, as minimum laboreo after a cultivador Synkro or a fast terracing Terradisc, or in seed conventional.

When speaking of Terrasem speak of an integrated cheese cheese fast terracing that acts like preparador and whose effect is efficiency even with big quantities of rests of harvest and in hard terrains. The adaptation to the terrain is only thanks to the train of seeds in three stretches with system of double Dual disk Disc, wheels of rear control and control of the pressesure by means of a hydraulics system. Like this, the pressesure of the disks of seeds is regulable from 40 to 120 kg, being the distance between them of 12,5 cm.

The assistants could test on the terrain the sembradora Terrasem, fuselage insignia of Pöttinger
The assistants could test on the terrain the sembradora Terrasem, fuselage insignia of Pöttinger.
The big main wheels do the times of roller compactador and wheels of transport. The total weight of the machine sustenta on all the wheels in the cabecero to minimise the compactación. The big head electronic distributor has of 48 exits. The hopper, of 3.000 litres, is expandable to 3.950.

Sembradora Pneumatics Optisem 5.40

It treats of a machine developed in and for Spain, rewarded in this edition of the Fima in the section of Technical Novelty. Splitting of the base of the model Aerosem and using his technician of seeded is cream the sembradora of grilles Optisem, with 5 metres of work and 40 grilles to 12,5 cm.

This sembradora possesses a train of seed floating in three stretches with 4 wheels of support advanced for a perfect adaptation to the terrain and possibility of regulation in depth and inclination. The three rows of seeds are distant between if 30 cm and the distance of clear to the floor is of 470 mm, avoiding like this problems by atascamiento with rests of harvest. The preparador leading is folding to backwards to achieve a width of transport of so alone 2,5 metres. The hopper, of 1.400 litres and expandable to 2.000, has of an abertura of sufficient load for the hunt of a shovel.

Has of computer of control by electrovalves, disks scoreboards of horizontal fold, turbines of accionamiento hydraulics and cutting of seeds automatic total.

The demonstration in images

To see to the detail what occurred in the demonstration organised by Durán Maq. Agricultural can access to this link:

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Durán Maquinaria Agrícola, S.L.

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