Iberdom - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Vinyet 31
43893 Altafulla (Tarragona) Spain
☎:  +34‑617725853  
w:  www.iberdom.eu
Special isolations and waterproofing solutions

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.


Iberdom - Anders Emich, was constituted in the year 1991 like company of services, inside the sector of the construction and feeding.

They offer an integral service inside the new construction or general reform. Besides, his speciality are the isolations in general, and especially, the prevention and elimination of the humidities.

The main directors of the company contribute an experience in the sector of more than 20 years. His good knowledge of this, has to also to his professional experience mainly in Scandinavian Countries and in Central Europe, and at present, in the Iberian Peninsula.

They are distributors and montadores exclusive for Spain, Portugal and Latin America. It treats to increase performance of the production. They offer products very modern for the farms avícolas and of pork:
- Silos of grain of 10 to 500 t., hopper went between the legs and with flat bottom until several thousands of tonnes.
- Silos Of grain of 10 to 500 t. Of hopper mounted on legs.
- Silos Until several thousands of background tonnes plane.
- Silos From 1000 kg. Until 30 t. With hopper (exists also the option of silos of 60 t. With hopper for the grain.)
- Systems of transport of grain for feeding – carriers spirals and sinfines (qualify and length of transport according to agreement and needs).
- Equipment of distribution of food for birds and pork.
- Technological projects, supply of the complete equipment for the mix of piensos (fixed installation or on truck). Performances of 0,5 to 10 t/h.
- Systems of distribution of water for birds and pork.
- Nests of collected and automatic selection of eggs for hens layers.
- Systems of ventilation, heating and refrigeration for all type of installations graziers.
- Paper for chick (have video of demonstration of the advantages).
Platform of poliestireno for farms of ducks, geese and layers reproductoras.
- I am used to of concrete type rejilla for farms of pork and beef.