AG-Group, S.L. - Mixers-mounted

Strautmann Verti-Mix Doble K

Trucks mezcladores of think: total weight allowed of 11.800 and 12.000 kg depending of the model

Picture of Trucks mezcladores of think
Car mezclador of think that, thank you that special design of the deposit, combines in a machine the advantages of the trucks mezcladores vertical classical with the ones of the trucks mezcladores horizontal (narrow construction, big tyres beside the deposit mezclador).

Each one of the functions can operate optionally through direct connection from the tractor trucks vehicle (in this case, for each function is necessary a device of control of double action). The handle also can realizar by manual crowbar, wire type Bowden or by control electrohidráulico (in sum, a device of double action or optionally, of simple effect with return).

In the models Verti-Mix Double K, the sinfín mezclador backside has a lower diameter that the forward. Also the basic plate is adapted to this form, so that the deposit mezclador has conical form in the rear part. Like this it achieves a series of advantages:

- A moment of inferior start in until 15%.

- One very good manoeuvrability in combination with excellent properties of twist, thanks to the independent axis of 22,5”

- minimum Tendency to the wear of the chassis in comparison with the axles tandem

- low and narrow Machine because the tyres do not project lateralmente but, however, are planted beside the deposit

- Download with little need of maintenance by means of sliding of download to the right and/or left

- Load of optimum support given the special design of the deposit.

Optionally, the models Verti-Mix Double K can instrument with a sliding of leading download to the right and/or to the left. Even if it deposits a bale of think big, thanks to the positioning of the axis always prevents that it go through on of the think already downloaded. To load think hammered, in the rear part finds a strip of download. Besides, also they can supply different lateral downloads and elongations of strip. For the distribution, the car also can instrument with a soplador of straw.