Promoción de Inversores de Trabajos Agrícolas - Pita, S.L. - Disc harrow

Horsch Joker

Terracings of disk: treatment of fast and precise stubbles

Picture of Terracings of disk
The Joker results ideal for the superficial treatment of stubbles, for the stimulation of the germ of the cereals autosembrados, the interruption of the capilaridad, the mix of the waste of harvest and the flat manufacturing of the mulch of seeds. It produces a big proportion of fine earth in the horizon of germination and, besides, is not liable to suffer failures in front of big quantities of stubbles, fertilizantes organic or mixed crops.

The rastril of short disk is available in the Joker CT for the setting of three points and like Joker RT, that has a chassis of big widths of work.

Can achieve high performances by surface, especially with the speeds of work of until 20 km/h.

An aflojador of depth -Cute TG of a beam - is available like additional option for the Joker CT 3.

It is particularly indicated for heavy places where the floor has to be slackened deeply and the waste of harvest, however, only has to be mixed of superficial form.