CNH Maquinaria Spain, S.A. - New Holland AG0 - Grape harvesters

New Holland Opti-Grape

Technology Opti-Grape in the Grape harvesters Braud 9000: cleaning until five upper times

Picture of Technology Opti-Grape in the Grape harvesters Braud 9000
Technology Opti-Grape: performance of cleaning until five upper times, applies an exclusive system that creates a surface of blown with mattress of air: a turbine promotes air through a fine mesh to delete all the material that was not grape, before it fall to the hopper.

The system of CAN Bus, that presents data of the sensor Force-To of maduration of the grape in real time in the monitor IntelliView III of the machines Braud 9000.

Situated in the extreme of the system of cleaning, on of the hopper, the driver adapts the strength of the air by means of the change of speed of the turbine, depending on the quality of classification that wish. Therefore, the driver can adjust directly the quality of cleaning of the grape from the cabin, by means of the monitor technology of surface of mattress of air to high pressesure has developed together with a big variety of improvements of the system of cleaning, like a preclasificador, two groups of rollers for the zone of preselection, that increase the performance of cleaning until 20%, since the material that is not grape simply falls by the separations.l Flavour of the wine.

The technology of surface of mattress of air to high pressesure has developed together with a big variety of improvements of the system of cleaning, like a preclasificador, two groups of rollers for the zone of preselection, that increase the performance of cleaning until 20%, since the material that is not grape simply falls by the separations. Besides, the aspirador upper of the conveyor receptor also has improved so that it delete even more wastes during the process of initial cleaning. The quality of the grape has improved a lot, since only the vineyards that remain in the pendant go through the despalilladora final, protecting to which already have separated.

The system Opti-Grape was subjected to exhaustive proofs of field, so much in the hemisphere north as in the hemisphere south, and in comparison with the technologies of traditional cleaning, the system Opti-Grape reduces drastically the quantity of material that is not grape until five times, with a content of impurities of hardly 0,1%. This can allow to the viticultores an increase of the profitability, since it reduces to a large extent the need of an additional separation of the material that is not grape.

The system does not influence in the productivity and can use to the speed of normal harvest with the majority of grapes inks. The operators that work with grape ink and white can simply desactivar the system from the cabin. When deleting the material that is not grape, together with the dry grains and mohosos, the system influences in the vineyards at the beginning of the process of vinificación, what has a direct impact in the quality of the final product.

New Holland Has achieved the total compatibility between the network of CAN Bus of the cosechadora Braud 9000 and the sensor Multiplex of Force-To to present readings of antocianinas in real time in the monitor with tactile screen in colour IntelliView™ III.

Available for all the range Braud 9000, the sensor Multiplex situates on the hopper and uses an optical technology scoop to determine the content of antocianinas of the vineyards, that is a key indicator of his degree of maduration.

The solution is instantaneous and no invasiva, by what keeps the integrity of the grape. The operators can see and register the milligrammes of antocianinas by litre, as well as monitor the heterogeneity of the hopper in the screen IntelliView III by means of the technology of CAN Bus.

They show the readings of antocianinas of each load, what facilitates the taking of decisions for the vinificación back.

The system also can connect to the functionality of mapping integrated in the cosechadoras Braud 9000. Together with the data of positioning by GPS, can generate a map of the space variability of antocianinas to adapt the technicians of the vineyard and obtain an optimum maduration of the vineyard, in addition to selecting determinate plots for concrete mixes of grape. These data can integrate completely with the obtained with EnoControl to perfect the process of vintage.