Comercial Química Massó, S.A. - Agro Department (CQM) - Supplements and biostimulants
Massó MYC 4000
Organisms of biological control: only for professional use
Inoculum composed by spores of the endomicorriza Glomus Intrarradices obtained of aseptic form in bioreactor in conditions controlled, free of rests of roots and sustrato, with an exact quantification that facilitates his dosage.
The endomicorrizas are microscopic funguses that develop in the roots establishing a symbiotic relation that hard all the life of the plant.
In return of the sugars of the exudates radiculares, the micorriza provides to the plant an exponential increase of the volume of the floor explored with an optimisation of the absorption of nutrients, especially the phosphorus, and an increase of the resistance to drought, salinity and heavy metals.
It provides besides a greater survival in presence of nemátodos and resistance in front of the funguses that cause rot of the root, vascular damages or are vectors of virus.
They stimulate the biological and microbiological activity of the floor or sustrato improving his structure and regeneration.
Effect profiláctico in front of illnesses criptogámicas. Resistance to stress hídrico, biotic and abiotic.
Composition: formulation of spores of Micorrizas 100% p/p.
- Active matter: Glomus Intraradices.
- Concentration: 4.000 spores/g.
- Support: clay micronizada.
- Presentation: 50 g.
Certificates and register: product communicated to the M.To.P.To. According to the order APA/1470/07 of 24 May on means of phytosanitary ware defence.