Ventura Máquinas Forestales, S.L. - Niveladoras (bulldozers y polidozers)

Ventura Serie NPH - Columbia

Leaves niveladoras polidozer: for tractors of 60 to 170 CV

Picture of Leaves niveladoras polidozer
Ventura Forestry Machines commercialises a wide range of leaves niveladoras for the nivelación of ways, cleaning of ditches, realisation of taludes, trip of muck, etc.

The models NPH 250 and 300 of leaves niveladoras have three hydraulics movements: one through the control to distance of the tractor, the second, is vertical of the leaf niveladora and the last is horizontal of the main tree. The horizontal movement of the leaf niveladora is mechanical, although optionally it can be hydraulics.

These leaves are of construction very robust and are indicated for tractors of 60 to 170 CV. The blade is realizar in interchangeable special steel.

Both models exert a hydraulics pressesure of 180 kg. The NPH 250 has a width of work of 250 cm, whereas the NPH-300 has it of 300 cm.