Comercial Química Massó, S.A. - Agro Department (CQM) - Liquid and water soluble fertilizers

Massó Growel

I credit hidrosoluble: product derived of the Leonardita

Picture of I credit hidrosoluble
Commercial Chemical Massó offers Growel, a product derived of the Leonardita of the yacimientos of Dakota and Montana, very rich in humic acids and fúlvicos that, properly treated, has the peculiarity to be totally soluble in water (> 99%) and at the same time stable in a wide rank of pH (1-14). The main advantages of these properties are the utilisation of dose smaller and greater comfort of use, the elimination of problems in the installations of irrigation by obstructions or damages in other elements, the uniform distribution in all the bulbo of irrigation and the fact of not doing without the advantages of the humic acids.

Growel Helps to the assimilation of the nutritious elements of the floor, so much macro like microelementos, acting many times like agent quelatante of the same. It is by this that his application is very recommended in mix of the deficiency correctors (Faith, Mn, Mg, Zn, etc.). Because of his big stability in front of the pH, can mix without limitations with any fertilizante or agroquímico.

It can apply in all the crops by means of diverse systems of application: horticultural, strawberry, raspberry, cranberry, citrus fruit, platanera, olivo, ornamental and lawns, viñedo, fruit subtropicales, etc.

This product is an excellent alternative for the organic fertilisation as well as for the others standard conditions of crop. Like physical effects improves the structure of the floors and like chemical effects has the capacity of exchange catióno of the floors.