Hertell, S.Coop. - Vacuum pumps


Groups of empty autonomous: of 3.000 to 12.000 l/min

Picture of Groups of empty autonomous
Hertell S.coop. Account between his range of products with the autonomous equipment type DHS for depresores from 3.000 until 12.000 l/min destined to the setting in vehicles of suction.

The need to have of autonomous equipment that have accionamientos independent with regard to the vehicle in which they go mounted part of the fact that in crowd of occasions the available power in this type of equipments is not sufficient for the handle of all the accessories that compose the unit.

The team DHS states with three clearly differentiated parts: an engine of petrol or diesel, the depressesant Hertell type KDP in version direct axis with twist to 1.400 rpm and a reductor Seyma of internal connection between both devices.

The team explains besides with a signpost of external control for the regulation and the control of different parameters: the temperature of oil of the depressesant (regulable and with automatic stop in function of the temperature chosen), the electrical start with integrated battery and with accionamiento in the same signpost of control, the stop of emergency with key, an account-hours and hand-vacuómetro, an automatic stop by fault of oil in the engine with pilot of witness, etc.

This external disposal of the signpost of control facilitates enormously the control and the manipulation of the unit and increases to a large extent the level of hygiene of the group.

Besides, it fits to stand out especially I compact it of the unit, when dispensing the setting of pulleys and belts that increase to a large extent the dimension of this type of groups and that do costlier his maintenance.

Finally signal that the unit comes prepared for direct connection to the cisterna of empty and that is provista of a valve of hygiene to regulate the level of empty that wishes keep.