Comercial Química Massó, S.A. - Agro Department (CQM) - Fungicides and acaricide control products

Massó Vincare

Fungicides: anti mildew systemic and contact for the vineyard

Picture of Fungicides
Commercial chemical Masso sells Vincare, a fungicide anti systemic downy mildew in dispersible granules, formed by 1.75% by Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl and Folpet 50%, a new matter active transistemica.

Benthiavalicarb is a new active material with features transistemicas. The combination of Benthiavalicarb and Folpet ensures protection of quality, efficiency and durability. It offers excellent resistance to rain and a 'anti-resistencias' intrinsic strategy thanks to the complementarity of two active ingredients.

Active matter penetrates quickly into the plant and is distributed in plant tissues. It is distributed largely throughout the plant, by movement apoplástico, i.e., cell-to-cell. In addition, active matter prevents the germination of spores, stops the formation of the germinative tube, destroys the already present mycelium and prevent sporulation.

Advantages:-effective form of preventive and curative fungicide.

--Clearly more effective than a fungicide translaminar.

-Do not it is washed by the rain.