Ventura Máquinas Forestales, S.L. - Flail mowers

Ventura TFVJ - Indo

Forestry crusher of hammers: with a width of work of 150 cm

Picture of Forestry crusher of hammers
The model TFVJ 150, of Ventura Forestry Machines, is a forestry crusher contrived for the works of trituración of branches of until 200 mm of diameter in all type of forestrys, poda of gardening and agricultural plantations.

This crusher, adaptable to tractors from among 50 and 130 CV of power, is instrumented with 24 hammers forged and treaties of big hardness and length, a compact and robust chassis of sheet of steel antidesgaste, and transmission by toothed trapezoidal belts type SPBX. Also it has of rotor of floating hammers of 360° balanced electronically, opening rear door hydraulics and skate of steel antidesgaste with regulation in height. This model, that weighs 830 kg, has a width of work of 150 cm.