Comercial Química Massó, S.A. - Agro Department (CQM) - Supplements and biostimulants

Massó Amcotone

Fitoreguladores: they induce the cuajado and stimulates the vegetative activity

Picture of Fitoreguladores
Amcotone Is an association of auxinas that acts like inductor of the cuaje in distinct crops hortofrutícolas. Equally it helps to surpass critical states during the growth and also stimulates the vegetative activity of the crops in front of conditions desfavorables

Applications authorised:

Treatments fitorreguladores in crops of:

- Melocotonero, ciruelo, Jewish, peas. Beans, tomato, pepper, eggplant, melon, watermelon and cucumber, to favour the cuajado of the flowers.

- Frutales Of seed, to avoid the fall of the fruit recently cuajados.

- Frutales Of leaf caducada, horticultural and ornamental herbáceas, to stimulate the vegetative activity after a period of crisis (cold, hit of heat, drought, etc.).

Dose and way of employment:

Apply in pulverización normal to the dose of 0,06% (60 g/HI). The applications to favour the cuajado of will realizar the start of the flowering and will be able to repeat when this was staggered to the 8 - 10 days. In frutales of seed, ciruelo and melocotonero the treatment can realizar 10 - 15 days before the start of the flowering.

To stimulate the vegetative activity, treat after the period criticise of the crop repeating if it was necessary to the 6 10 days.