Comercial Química Massó, S.A. - Agro Department (CQM) - Organomineral fertilizers

Massó Zelsius

Fertilisers Organ-mineral: with Leonardita and micronutrientes: Faith and Mn quelados

Picture of Fertilisers Organ-mineral
Zelsius Is a stable and soluble complex in water of Faith and Mn quelatado, in mix with N and K and Leonardita solubleen suitable proportions. Each microgránulo contains all the ingredients.

Zelsius Is a product based in a technology called Zelsius Technology that consists in a double protection of the microelementos Ironinging (Faith) and Magnesium(Mn) by a double layer of chelate-complex:

- 1º layer or internal layer the most internal layer is constituted by the chelate Faith-Eddhma (isomer orto-orto) or Mn-Edta, both of big stability in front of the chemical compounds of the solution of the floor that could cause easily a precipitation of the metallic ions, preventing that these arrived to the root of the plant and be absorbed.

- 2º layer or external layer: the external layer is constituted by an entramado formed by the organic molecules of the leonardita modified with the ions potassium (K+) in shape of network entretejida. These organic molecules comport like acids fúlvicos that do not precipitate even when the ph of the solution fertilizante is very sour, and act like a second layer of protection of the ion metallic quelado, increasing the probability that this was not inmovilizado or precipitated before arriving to the root of the plant.

Once Zelsius reaches the root of the plant, the structure of double layer guarantees a fast absorption of the micronutrientes, since they arrive accompanied of potassium, nitrogen and ions calcium that are transported by the complex of organic molecules, ensuring a much more balanced nutrition of the plant.

Prime matter of organic origin: 3% p/p of molasses of beetroot.

Period and way of employment:

- The preferable moment of the application is to the start of the vegetation to ensure a good brotación, flowering and cuaje.

- Zelsius Can apply dissolved in water in holes around the tree, in injection to the floor by means of grille or launches inyectora or, because of his excellent solubility, in fertirrigación (so much in irrigation located as in great quantity) and hidroponía.

- It is recommended to effect an irrigation after the application especially if there is not tempero.