Comercial Química Massó, S.A. - Agro Department (CQM) - Supplements and biostimulants
Massó Welgro Amfe
Deficiency correctors of ironinging: for application foliar, fidroponñia and fertirrigación
It is a corrector of lacks of ironinging, especially studied for application foliar, fidroponia and fertirrigación. This characteristic comes given by the properties of his components:
- The ironinging (Faith) finds quelado by D.T.P.To., in shape of ferric salt -amónica more assimilable and aprovechable for the plant, so much by road foliar like fadicular, that the ferric salts-sódicas or férrci-potásicas. Likewise his solubility in water is a lot greater.
The ironinging quelado by the DTPA does not react with other components of the nutritious solutions for crops hidropónicos or for fertirrigación, with what keeps in solution totally assimilable for the plants.
- The ironinging quelado by the DTPA remains stable until ph=7,5 by what remains soluble in the worst conditions that give in an installation of crop hidropónico (surroundings of the roots), or in the slightly alcaline floors.
- Welgro Amfe applies to warn or correct the cases of deficiencies of ironinging or clorosis ferric that manifest in great quantity of plants, so much arboreal like herbáceas, and especially in the zones and species more affected: vineyard, parral, frutales, citrus fruit, horticultural miscellaneous, fresón, extensive crops, lawns, etc.