Comercial Química Massó, S.A. - Agro Department (CQM) - Supplements and biostimulants
Massó Hampiron 6.0
Chelates of ironinging: composition 6,5% soluble Faith in water and 6,0% Faith quelatado
Hampironinging 6.0 is a corrector of the clorosis ferric to base of ironinging quelatado by Eddhma, effective spends in the most extreme conditions.
The agent quelatante (Eddhma) confers to Hampironinging 6.0 a big stability, keeping fit assimilable for the plant in a wide rank of ph (3.5-12) in the floor.
Hampironinging 6.0 is fast and easily assimilated by the plant, correcting of effective form the lack of ironinging.
Regarding the behaviour in the floor, Hampironinging 6.0 presents the following characteristic:
- Good stability: the behaviour of Hampironinging 6.0 is independent of the type of floor and his ph. It acts also in floors very alcaline.
-2. Fast-acting: the easy absorption of the product by the roots supposes a fast recovery of the crop.
3. High efficiency: the high quality of the molecule provides a total recovery of the plants affected by the clorosis ferric.
4. Persistent action: applied to the appropriate doses the results keep during all the campaign.
Thanks to the formulation in microgránulos is easy of dosificar, does not issue dust and is entirely soluble in water.
Period and way of application:
- The preferable moment of application is to the start of the vegetation to ensure a good brotación, flowering and cuaje.
- Hampironinging 6.0 can be applied also when the symptoms of the deficiency are visible, during the period of growth.
- Hampironinging 6.0 is a product to apply to the floor dissolved in water.
- Hampironinging 6.0 is forodegradable, by what has to be incorporated to the floor by means of injection or irrigation to put it to the coat of the solar light.
- Hampironinging 6.0 can apply dissolved in water in holes around the tree, in injection to the floor by means of grille or launches inyectora or, because of his excellent solubility, in fertirrigación (so much in irrigation located as in great quantity).
- It is recommended to effect an irrigation after the application especially if there is not tempero.