Marisan Balbastre y Sanjaime, S.L. - Pneumatic atomisers

Marisan Duplex Tornado 2.0

Atomizador: composed by two turbines invested

Picture of Atomizador
The group atomizador is composed by two turbines invested that generate the air that direct radialmente the nozzles. It possesses a screen deflectora external to such turbines that oscillating on his vertical axis forces the steering of the current of the air, that is expelled to the outside alternated the strength of the same when modifying expanding or diminishing the opening of exit. It generates of this form an effect swept, as the current of air is not promoted of constant form against the trees, but, thanks to the action of the screen deflectora, achieves vary the steering of said common and vary the intensity of the same. The steering of the current of air comes given by the orientation of the screen deflectora in each moment.

The intensity of the current varies in function of the position of the screen deflectora, when expanding or estrangularse the exit of the air to the outside, in this way causes a current that goes varying his steering and intensity, and avoids the learning of screens of leaves allowing the entrance of the product nebulizado until the most internal zones and difficult of the trees.

It consists of pulverizadores lodged in the screen deflectora by means of two pipes inox interns. Inside the deflector the swing the speed of the screen deflectora is graduable by means of a regulator. In the exit of air are lodged some canalizadores, which address the air vertically. This system of group atomizador Tornado is versatile for any type of crop, was of high or low height, with the type of tower or open turbine.