Pmz Comatrans, S.A. (Transmisión) (pmz transmisión) - Other pneumatic actuators

Mechanical actuators: high reliability and simplicity of utilisation

Picture of Mechanical actuators

The mechanical actuators are devices that transform the rotary presses movement to the entrance, in a linear movement in the exit.

The mechanical actuators are applicable for the fields where require linear movements such as: elevation, traslación and linear positioning.

Some of the advantages that offer the mechanical actuators are: high reliability, simplicity of utilisation, minimum manutención, hygiene and precision of positioning; irreversivilidad according to the model of application and synchronism of movement.

Inside the field of the mechanical actuators exist two types of movement:linear mechanical/ actuators with husillo traslante (series ST, M type1) (B2 type1) and linear mechanical/ actuators with husillo rotante. (Series SR, series M type2) (series BL type2).

PMZ Comatrans, S.A. has the exclusividad to offer the 2 possible systems of mechanical performance: mechanical actuators endless tops and mechanical actuators conical gears.

The range of mechanical actuators besides comprises different series with finishings in smelting or aluminium, with different formats of fixation.

The technical capacity of the personnel of PMZ Comatrans, S.To it puts of self-evident in the search of solutions and proposal for all type of application like the mechanical actuators for solar power.

The mechanical actuators Type ST and SR in aluminium possess big variety of sizes and accessories to have a perfect control on the trip. From R1/10 to R1/30.

High mechanical actuators loads, mechanical cats of system of helicoidal conical gears thought for high speeds and high loads (R1/1 to R1/5).