The mechanical actuators are devices that transform the rotary presses movement to the entrance, in a linear movement in the exit.
The mechanical actuators are applicable for the fields where require linear movements such as: elevation, traslación and linear positioning.
Some of the advantages that offer the mechanical actuators are: high reliability, simplicity of utilisation, minimum manutención, hygiene and precision of positioning; irreversivilidad according to the model of application and synchronism of movement.
Inside the field of the mechanical actuators exist two types of movement:linear mechanical/ actuators with husillo traslante (series ST, M type1) (B2 type1) and linear mechanical/ actuators with husillo rotante. (Series SR, series M type2) (series BL type2).
PMZ Comatrans, S.A. has the exclusividad to offer the 2 possible systems of mechanical performance: mechanical actuators endless tops and mechanical actuators conical gears.
The range of mechanical actuators besides comprises different series with finishings in smelting or aluminium, with different formats of fixation.