Instrumentos Testo, S.A. - Testing equipment

Testo 570

Analyser of refrigeration: through three connections: the pressesure, the temperature, the empty or the consumption of intensity

Picture of Analyser of refrigeration
No only the installation of a system of refrigeration represents a laborious task; also his maintenance or the repair can suppose a long work and complex.

The analyser of refrigeration testo 570 that Instruments Testo, S.A. enter to the market will allow to the operarios, technicians and mantenedores of refrigeration some much simpler measurements and fast to facilitate said tasks.

The testo 570 measures and analyses through three connections: the pressesure, the temperature, the empty or the consumption of intensity of form very easy. For this, has endowed with multiple advantages like having of 40 refrigerantes in memory (actualizables by the user); can connect two temperature to calculate the recalentamiento and the subenfriamiento simultaneously; take advantage of the internal memory to store the data of the measurements and be able to print them subsequently, without need to transcribe them manually; or the register of values in continuous until a maximum of 72 hours, in different systems, to identify errors quickly.

Absolute hygiene in any task of measurement

The possibility to connect several probes at the same time, as well as bottles of refrigerantes or pumps of empty, suppose the end of the problem to have to handle an instrument for each task. The testo 570 has also of the possibility to effect a test of estanqueidad with compensation of temperature.

With the end to facilitate the measurements demanded in the RITE, with the analyser of refrigeration (thanks to the new function of “Value Caract. Efficiency”), entering the necessary variables, will be able to calculate and print the COP/EER of the enfriadoras of water (according to RITE).

With the analyser of refrigeration testo 570 the measurements are more precise, avoid possible errors and saves time and money.